How do i make a custom mouse

I NEED HELP…im making a game called tiny nighttimes and i need to know how to make a custom MOUSE/POINTER/THAT THING YOU USE TO CLICK THINGS!!!

Make a object in the User Interface layer (UI layer) and make it follow the mouse.
Mouse --> Position

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thank you!!!2020202-22-2-2-3=-2320394i

wait but how do i make it follow the mouse?

Copy This And Paste It Into The Behavors:



thats alot pixel knife

im still online 2020202020202

Copy All Of It (Highlight It, Then Press Ctrl + C On Your Keyboard)

I Know Just Click Anywhere In he Behavors Of The Object You Want To Follow The Mouse.

Then Click Inport (Then Just Type Ctrl + V) And THen Click Ok

oK! thank you!!!

np (2019201920192019)

im copying it i pressed ok it won’t work

i did all of the things but it won’t work

Only Copy This (Below Comment)


will it put the behaviors in when i click yes?

Yes (20202020020202020)

Lemme show you whats happening to me

this video was specificly made for pixel knife

I Am Using A School Computer So It Says: Access Denied

oh man 2020202202020202

do you have your own?