How do i make a dash? (solved)

i’m using the default running and jumping bundle and i want to make a dash with it. thanks.


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huh i thought i would get answers faster

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A buncha people are busy, like me.

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Just make a keyboard behavior for a button you want to use, then attach it to a get on a number behavior for the speed, then attach that to forward on velocity. This is how I usually make dashing! I hope it works! :smiley:


i’m very sorry @kade but i forgot to mention that i wanted it to work while the player was moving

just change the run speed for a short time and then change it back.

i tried that. it didn’t work

Please show your code or bring a link.


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Have a number that gets set to whatever has been most recently used to move (Velocity output >> number set). Have a shift or whatever key activates the dash to the get of that number. Enter the number into a calculator that multiplies the number by 2 or 3, however large you want the dash (number out >> get & A). Finally, attach the output of that number to your velocity. You can use a simple timer switch if you want a cooldown.

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i’m sorry i’m not that good with Flowlab so could you explain it more simple? or take a screen shot? ill make the game public

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okay thanks i’ll try it

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can you please send a link to the game? this image gives me a headache (no offense)

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I can recreate it and send it when I have a chance.

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how do you add a cooldown? also nvm i was able to make it without the link

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Have everything that activates from the keyboard be activated by a switch. The switch turns itself off when activated and is turned back on by a timer.

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huh. could you take another picture @meburningslime? sorry

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tank. meesa try

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