How to make a turn-based battle

title explains it all

im makin a game called Royal RPG Rush, but i dont have any idea how to get started.

its not a conventional rpg, where you go exploring, rather its more like a boss-rush grinder RPG


Don’t push yourself past your limits. If you have no idea how to begin coding a project, you’re obviously not ready to make it. I’d start learning other things first.

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well, i sorta have an idea, but id like to know if it was ever done before so that i might have a good starting place

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It’s probably been done, it’s pretty simple. Just requires a lot of work with text to make it nice.
All you should need to do is give the player some attack choices then use switches and or movement in general to move stuff off the screen and toggle the ai to think.

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hmmm alright then

i think i have an idea and it uses lists for enemy stats and object values for player stats
and i think ill use individualized numeric inputs for different attacks for different players

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@DraftyScienceCoat75 summoning
DraftyScienceCoat75 made a test game of sorts with turn-based combat.


yeah if you need help with specific stuff I have some experience with turn-based games on flowlab

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Look at Battle Actions in the Player Stats bundle. It was one of my first games so hopefully, I can finish it. The bundle shows an example of how I used stats in that game, the Enemy Object also has a bundle with its stats if you want to look at it.

Edit: I just looked at the game and I’m actually really proud of the pokemon-like combat system. Also welcome to the Community! I’m really good at Lists and other coding stuff so if you need any help with things just @ me and I’ll be there :llama:

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so, for example, how would i be able to output a list into a label (ie action selection in a menu)?

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tip: u can also use mailboxes and send them to the enemy to trigger a attack sequence

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Use the join input.