How to make a walljump?

yeah, that is kinda what I’m going for but I either want a faster wall-slide or no wall-slide at all.

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I’ve tried putting it in but it isn’t working and idk why

Maybe make the player collision shape a capsule, so there is less friction on the sides

Check the instructions on the forum post for that example and follow each step

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it already is capsule and it isn’t working

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Here is the link for the Wall Jump Example topic, the Topic head/original post is the instructions, and go over what you need to update in order to make this work:
Wall Jump Example: Learn how to make one - Examples & Tutorials - Flowlab Community

Click the link to see the full thing!

The comments on the topic are also a really huge help as I replied to every possible problem people could have :smiley: Hope this helps! Thanks for using my example :slight_smile:

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yeah, thanks, I did see I’ve just not been going on to flowlab in a couple days. Thanks though ill give it a try and let you know!

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this isnt working for me, my character is moving wrong and the wall jumping isnt working at all. idk what i did wrong but is there any other way that i can understand what to do? this is really complicated for me.

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Share the game link so other people can check it out and help you

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Umm the wall jumping bundle isn’t even there…

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i got rid of it bc it wasn’t working and it kinda messed with my movement

well, add it back if you want us to fix it… Do you not want it anymore?

i just set it off to the side a bit

i did add the walljumping bundle?

why isnt it working, i see my player is more than 1 block but idk how to fix it

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The post I sent you (Wall Jump instructions) tells you how to do it, seems like you didnt read it :frowning:

Anyways, you have to make the “On ground” Raycasts longer because your character is bigger.
These 3 Raycasts should trigger when the player object is on the ground.

The Raycasts are inside the Wall Jump Bundle or Logic you copied.
Also make sure you dont have other movement Logic otherwise they will overlap, as it says in the instructions

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i did read it i just didnt know how much bigger the raycasts had to be
and no matter how long i make them they won’t trigger and i dont know what im doing wrong

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Do this to every raycast: select an object, then select “any type” like it was before, this fixes it I believe.