I NEED HELP [Astro Clash]

If you want yes, thanks!

If you have any other sprites you would like me to work on, I’m happy to help.

and did you make the music in astro clash? it’s really cool.

@F3Art lol no I make most of the music in my games, but not this one. It just fit too well to replace. The only other thing I need is a backdrop, the ones I am using are copyrighted most likely. Maybe try making the main menu like the sketch I drew, if that is not too hard? Thanks a ton!

Could you please do the Alpha Hunter with hirogen purple armor plating?

She says thanks a lot for the art. I quote:

That’s awesome! I’m really glad she likes the art.
I will work on the main menu for you. And really like the drawing you did. my favourite part is alpha hunter (that’s number 1 right?) with the big gun. I just thought that was really cool.


so just to clarify, on the main menu, you want alpha hunter purple?
this is the drawing so far: https://www.pixilart.com/art/astro-clash-titlescreen-2-4595acd4bc53bdb

Yes. Thanks! By the way, is the Alpha Hunter reskin done? I really appreciate this help.

The reskin is done but I haven’t done the reskin of the reskin (making him more dwarvish) Since I’m doing the sprite again, should I change it to how it looks in the menu screen?

also you mean hirogen like from star trek right?

sorry if I’m asking too many questions. just want to make sure I’m doing things right.

Yes dwarf, yes star trek, yes menu, no you are not asking too many questions lol

menu screen is basically done now: https://www.pixilart.com/art/astro-clash-titlescreen-2-4a7c4a322eda511

Wow that looks awesome! Thanks

whoops just realized i forgot to colour one eyeball

By the way, I’m totally fine with this art going public for you, but maybe add a link to the game? Thanks!

for sure i will add a link if i make it public. I usually don’t make stuff public, but i might.

It’s a good way to get your bame out there though!