I'm back but forgot password to main account :'(

What is that anyways?

When your a newer member like my alt you have a max of like 10 replies or smth.

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Anyways I got to log off now see ya!

I don’t think that I was off topic because this is a Community Lounge post and because part of the topic says “I’m back” so that implies that I can talk to them about close to anything.
If this was a help post then your point would be valid however it is not.

See ya please send me a message.

Screenshot 2024-04-28 211834

It should be this, but maybe it’s not available for new users so that way people don’t spam email grazer upon making their account.
I’ve only every used it once, and that was when I got indie and wanted some games from other accounts onto my main.

I can private message you his flowlab email so you can message him when you get the chance. I’m sure it’s probably displayed somewhere on the website, but I figured I would just privately message you it so bots don’t get ahold of it.

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Community Lounge is a category for topics that don’t fit the other topics.
Community Lounge is not a category for topics where you could be off-topic anywhere. There are no other categories that could fit this topic so Blob chose Community Lounge.

You’re forgetting that were trying to recover his account.

Point Still Valid, you were being off-topic. As I stated Community Lounge is not a category where anyone can talk. It is simply a category to use if your topic doesn’t fit into the other categories.

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Ya that’s pretty good evidence but… oh well this forum is already DEAD.

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Hey Bob,

I’d suggest saving a document or file, or even a piece of paper, with all of your passwords on it… Or just use the same password for all of your different accounts.

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