💬 Label/Dialogue Bundle - Last update?

Well done! I’ve been looking forward to this bundle, and it’s great to finally see it in action! I can’t wait for people to start picking up the new custom labels


Alright, updated! Gif image is now ready to download :slight_smile:

You can download the .gif image to upload as animation on the Label Object here:
Font black

The Link is also available in the Bundle on the Label object itself. Don’t worry :wink:

Logic Screenshots:

Logic inside Label object:

The Label Bundle with example dialogue logic:

Changing extra Label Settings inside the Bundle:
You just need to change the numbers to have effects like Rainbow, Shake, Background or no background, Color, etc.

Simple use of Label Bundle:
Yes, you can now display multiple & different labels even if you have multiple copies of the same object.
(Currently not possible with the engine Label behavior)

Have fun!
Thanks, I’m glad you are excited as I am - @Recryptech and @00T_Free :blush:


This is awesome, is the dialogue bubble also an animation? How do you get it to move along with the text?


I tried various ways to make the bg follow the characters; I ended up going for attachments as it was easier to ensure they all stood in place and didn’t have a “delayed follow”.
And yup, the backgrounds are frames on the animation.


When I click “Space” it drops to 4 frames for me, idk why it is doing this, it says that the expressions are only at 4 ms, and I have handled 25 ms time for behaviors with 20-25 fps. My computer is an old chrome, but I’m not sure why it tanks the fps when I have handled much larger things in Flowlab.


Hey, sorry for the late reply. Super busy lately.
Did you make sure the Label object isn’t solid? If it is solid, it will for sure overload the CPU.

The label bundle worked pretty well performance-wise on the Operation Delete game.

If you want/have a link, I could take a look to see what’s wrong - if that wasn’t it.

Also, there are missing wires and Spawns that lose the Target set when you paste the bundle (due to a flowlab bug).
I need to update this thread with instructions


I was doing it on the example game you posted, it wasn’t my own game.
It might just be my computer then. Idk why it drops so much though because the Performance Metrics show it doesn’t do much


I love this so much this will make games so much more lively


You have to revise the gif, i can’t export it, it always gets cut into one corner no matter how big i make the sprite size since gif exporting is so broken

Is there any easy way to size everything down and bring it down a few pixels? As well as centering and maybe multiple layers of text.

Nope, I had to do a ton of this to make it work right in idle balls. Just figure out what does what and test. Test a lot.

The Bundle has a size input so you can Change the text size.
But you will also have to Change the kerning (space) between characters


okay, so I am stuck on this, here is my game


nope, I got it, this is amazing


I really like the artwork, I would recommend separating the background buildings into two different objects (by dark and light outlines), so when you move across the level the lighter buildings move slower which adds a real nice effect. Make sure to click background parallax on the camera block and make the objects different lengths. The characters are great though.


WOah, thats a cool suggestion, I will definitely do that, thanks a lot

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Thanks for using it! @Hong_Jooni_Pooni . Don’t forget to make your label object not solid, so the player doesn’t collide with it.

I want to update this example later on to make it easier to set up.
But if you want to use it for flowjam, I made a minor update to clarify what you need to adjust for it to work.

Due to a nasty flowlab bug, two wires disconnect when you copy/paste this bundle.
I added some notes to the Label Bundle, so you know what you need to set up.
Label bundle inside the spawner object:

Inside the Label Bundle, open the “Spawn Label Logic” bundle:

You just gotta follow the notes, set the spawn to the “.Label object” and open the “Send Text to Label” bundle to connect the missing wires:

Last step:

Missing wires are on the Text List Each. You need to connect the “out” from it to the “find” (text list) and the “in” (To Number).
If it already has one of them connected, remove and connect again to make sure it saves correctly.

And that’s it. Hopefully this is helpful and you all can manage to use this for flowjam.
Thanks! :slight_smile:


Oh yeah, I know to make it unsolid, but that’s cause I was messing around with the blocks spawned and its really cool, you could make blocks roll out to make a floor


Hi, I messaged you on discord about how to fix this issue with the wires