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This is no surprise.


remember when you said Elon Musk was your idol

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He is a very smart being. I’m not so sure about he being ‘My Idol’ though.

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i have managed to escape from the skin1000s and i am living in the 2020s. however i am still quite attached to my creation that i’ve made a youtube channel that rips off a radio station for this decade?? yeah the station heart fm has like decade specific radio stations (70s,80s,90s,00s) and i made one called “Heart Skin00s” this is so illegal oml but yeah the first playlist/broadcast is up on the channel just look up “Heart Skin00s” that worked for me


It’s time, my friends, to rise again!

[Verse 1: Springtrap]
Your first night on the job, not sure you wanna punch in
Because once you’re on the clock
You know I’m up to somethin’

I’m sure you heard disturbing rumors
How things in the night go bumpin’

Thirty years have passed, and it’s amazing that I still continue to function (Function)
Those first five nights were such a bore, just wait for what I’ve got in store
Nowhere to hide, can’t shut the doors
Am I machine or something more?
There must be more to my rotten core
Than a walkin’, talkin’, robotic corpse

Better check the time, that’s what the clock is for
You never should’ve picked this job, of course
Look at the bright side, you will not get bored
You’re the next victim that I’m comin’ for
It won’t cost your job, but it’ll cost you more
Tomorrow they’ll wipe your guts off the floor


dude don’t post the fnaf movie script i haven’t watched it this is spoilers :frowning:

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A sequel is here (not with Facerface,they’re dead)! Includes:
New killer
Few more kills
Slightly more blood & gorier kills
Sarah developing trauma
Unrealistic car (even more unrealistic than Sarah’s shoe car)

behind the scenes

This movie was more of a “trying to be good” than a parody.

This actually started production late at night on October 30th,the same day that Facerface was released along with when “Facerface’s New Game” started production.

There were 15 people on that bus. Only 4 people survived,those people being Sarah,Miley,Dave and Marissa (the pink hair girl who was next to Sarah and got her head crushed).

When the car crashed,it caused a major dent which turned into a spike. The roof of the car went downwards and into the stomach of Tony (we get his name from his door which was later opened by someone who later died).

In Sarah’s contacts,Mariah’s name is “mariah 2007-2023”,her phone just cuts it off because of it’s short screen. This is also why Miley’s message only shows “party today” and not the emoticon.

There will somehow be a game made out of this.

Mariah was planned to have a room in Miley’s car before her assassination,but that room got scrapped. Dave was put there instead,unfortunately.

the band



listening to “we don’t talk about bruno” for the first time in ages for heart skin00s and it’s like she says “we don’t talk about bruno no no no” and then proceeds to talk about him? unless it’s like that one line in toxic gossip train where it’s like “they never said i couldn’t sing what i wanted to say”

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The game is here and it’s better than Facerface!


The breakable blocks are green for a secret that might be revealed if you play the games backwards. This just makes it look like the hybrid machine is powered by acid.

The GUI of the characters playable next to the emergency stop button actually wasn’t planned,I mistakenly put the sprites of Miley’s burning car & Sarah in the GUI section. Miley’s GUI burning car later became GUI Miley.

There are 5 endings.
TRUE: Sarah & Miley survive and kill The Hybrid in level 5.
SURVIVAL: Sarah,Miley and Marissa survive.
MILEY: Miley is the only one on the bottom floor in level 4 and only she escapes.
PM: Miley and Marissa survive. The ending is named this because they both have hair colours which start with P and their names start with M.
BROWN: Sarah and Marissa survive. The ending is named this because yellow and purple mixed together make brown.
Despite this,there are many different timelines that can be caused from the Facerface & The Hybrid.

When Miley’s death scene gets to the part with the broken slide,there is a timeline split. There is the film timeline and the game timeline. The timelines are shown below.
Film timeline:
The Hybrid
[Third Film]
[Fourth Film]
Game timeline:
Facerface’s New Game Level 2
After Level 2,Level 1 starts and there is a timeline split. Four timelines are created,two ending in the survival of Sarah. Let’s go with Timeline 1,where both parts of the window break. The timeline goes to Level 2,where Facerface time travelled. In timelines 1 & 3,Facerface kills Mariah by taking away her slide. But you can create Game Timeline 5,where Mariah survives and FNG doesn’t happen. Back to Timeline 1,Facerface is now in the present and his time travel machine. Another timeline split: Timeline 6,no windows broken, Timeline 7,bottom window broken,Timeline 8,top window broken and Timeline 1 with all windows broken. Then there’s the final level underwater. Sarah kills Facerface normally in Timeline 1. Timeline 9,Facerface kills Sarah. Timeline 10,they both charge at eachother. Timeline 11,Facerface goes to kill Sarah but Sarah turns around last second. Timeline 12,Sarah goes to kill Facerface but Facerface turns around last second. Without all the much more different small variations,the first game had a total of around 48 different timelines because of the starting 4 timelines. However maybe because 2 of the starting 4 ended in Sarah’s survival the number might’ve been around 26. This is without all the small variations and only for one game,btw. Who knows how many timeline splits The Hybrid’s New Game has.

There used to be a bug where you weren’t sent to Level 4 or 5 after completing Level 3 (for the lvl4 not appearing bug) or Level 4 (for the lvl5 not appearing bug). It took a while but it was fixed.

I think that’s JT Music. I love his songs ngl.


Yep, it is indeed JT Machinima/music(?) and me too.


JT music giant W


do you think that if we combine the 2000 & 2017 nokia 3310s and drop the result the world will end

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never listened to jt music


my dream is to have a friend called sidney so i can call them and say “hello,sidney” in a ghostface voice

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being a mobile user is such a pain like the virtual keyboard accidentally goes away and i accidentally tap the reply button using my hand so what comes out is an unfinished post that i have to rush editing the post




:new: :id:. :information_source: :m::o2::parking: :b::o2::b: :mobile_phone_off:. :free: :m::o2::m: :ab::b::a:. :ok:

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