I’ve been quietly working on a little mech builder game alongside CubeTales, and I finally have something passable to show off:
here’s the garage screen
I’ll be back.
I’ve been quietly working on a little mech builder game alongside CubeTales, and I finally have something passable to show off:
I’ll be back.
i like were this is going
OH HO HO! This sounds familiar!
Me too!
Yea, it does seem familiar, wonder where I’ve see this kind of game before.
Me too. Might it have something to do with Rubicon or fires?
Maybe something about a core being armored?
Lol. Now we leave the wonderers in wonder.
I hate how small file size limits on the forums are.
Work has begun on the shop:
(yes, you start the game completely broke)
Praxis? This game is part of the CubeTales universe!
Extremely loud CORRECT buzzer
Also you completely missed Gren and Kronos lol, only new corpo here is Nova.
Yeah I was less sure on their presence in the GIF but I saw, thanks for the confirmation
Added new parts, but you can’t get them because you’re broke lol
As a note, you will need to go into the garage first to unlock the other menus. This is mostly so that stat shenanigans don’t occur.
Well this game sure sounds fun.
Hehehe! This is looking good!
Added a single label. That’s it. I’m not even gonna say where I added it.
If enough people are interested, I might do a contest to have some user-submitted parts get added to the game.
0 voters
Should have probably shown votes lol
0 voters