ask john to add me to the team.
Well, this certainly bumps up the games potential(if pug actually does something)
Yep, this way I can focus on making the game mechanically fun without the looming dread of doing the art for all of it.
You’ve been added.
Shop’s coming along well.
Are you using JR01’s shop example? Also do I need to do anything (art related or otherwise)? Additionally, I can make serious lore but it will be M-rated, r u okay with that? Btw I like how accurately you converted my pixel size 1 edits of your parts to pixel size 2, good job.
Go take a look at the 2nd mission.
The protester one? Yikes. I get it now.
I see. Is it ok if I add shading to the mech parts or is paisleypug redoing the art?
title background
pixelated large
pixelated actual (flowlab size)
Pretty cool! This game looks like a keeper.
Pug said he’s doing it.
Wow, this looks great!
Thanks Flowlabro.
Thanks for sharing the link. I have many cool pictures that I would like to turn into pixel-art.
You’re welcome.
Oh geez. That is a very strange gif.
@nhgcr_for_the_3rd_time, try making a small dot in the middle of the cursor. It helps with precision.