New game....Again

You don’t need an extractor, just repeat a timer 10 times at 1/10 of a second to get the number 5 and go into the +x input in position, then do that again but get the number -5, not 5. (repeat)

So, basically, I just need to use a timer for it to flip? Ok, that makes sense.

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I figured out the problem, and I didn’t do what @Galactian said, but my solution worked quite well. I made the platform movable, and had a always block along with a position block to keep the block at a steady y value. It worked really well. And, if the platform hits the end or start block, it stops moving if the player isn’t on the platform, which needs a little finesse to do, but it is possible. I’m excited for how the moving platform part is going so far, I think it’ll be a good addition to the game.