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wait a sec the code is all gone! what the

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sigh whoever made this game software really needs to fix this

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Already fixed, but whatever code you implemented during the last couple of days is going to be gone.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
why is that???/

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so we us make developer cant make games yet???

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Scroll down this issue is fixed, you can continue developing your game.

hello everyone. I think this looks pretty good for my 5 game. The other four. It was only for pratice, so i could get used to this gaming software. here is how it looks like now.
I am working on the setting of this game. so grass could move and branch could move too.

Screenshot 2022-02-09 9.38.04 AM

You can now switch between 3 weapons. A rifle, Pistol, and a fist. I also added more props to the setting to make it look Cool. here is a picture before and after
Screenshot 2022-02-10 9.51.42 AM
AFTER there will be lighting effect and more shadowing
Screenshot 2022-02-10 9.52.14 AM
BEFORE this is outside. i will add grass and more stuff.

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I like the art style :smiley:

OMG thank you to jro1 i have made two arms!
With his solution i realized could i make another arm and i did!
thank you jro1
Screenshot 2022-02-10 1.49.17 PM


Guess what i made. I made a new area for training(tutorial) So i also made posters radios, chairs gun holders ammo boxes!!
Screenshot 2022-02-11 2.02.14 PM


Screenshot 2022-02-11 2.03.13 PM
Made a new gun model too!


NSS-12 Ablities/ Fighting tips for low hp

  1. Some Ememies will fear you making them run away or stand there
  2. it you fire your gun into something that it is easy to break the ememy will be blocked and can’t not follow
  3. hide and take cover


  1. Brutal Shot-The character becomes immune to any dmg and bullets deal more damage to the ememy.

  2. Slealth Senses- Ememies will not know you were there. You will be able to see through walls or shoot through them.

  3. Xp-op Punch If a ememy is hit all the others will fly back taking dmg with that ememy.

  4. Rewind- If you die rewind will spawn you near a ememy killing them.

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I haven’t played the game, but looking at the screenshots it looks pretty promising. I like the art style, keep it up!

Thank you, Ramshackle I appreciate it

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I’m already excited for this game, but if the player character is green then I will be at least 10 times more excited. This is because it has been scientifically proven that “green video game man=strong” (examples: Master Chief, Doomguy, the Hulk, etc).

the character is not so…