Official Summer Flowjam 2022 Announcement ☀️

heres what i have so far…
how am i ever gonna win this?

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No need to worry about winning, it’s a learning experience!


You know you can’t send the game link yet before the gamejam ends… Right…?

You know that a lot of people post develops of their flowjam game. You can share the link with whoever you want. You’re just unable to submit the game for about a week

Hello everyone,
just a little motivation for all of you! Since i don’t have the time to work 2 weeks on the jam project I tried to keep my game as short as possible and use simple game mechanics.
And…I already finished it! It’s nothing special but that’s fine because I had FUN creating it.

Also, if any of you can’t finish your game - submit anyway! It will feel good and you still can get some feedback. Gamejams are all about learning time management and it can really help you for your bigger projects. It’s all part of “the game”.

See ya! :grinning:


Welcome to Flowlab, @DeDexter! And having fun is what it’s all about.


Nice, i was liked by Recryptech.

Untrue <3

I can share it as much as I’d like :slight_smile: — I can even submit the game and still work on it, editing will just close when the jam ends until voting is over. I might submit it when I can just so that I don’t forget later lol


I didn’t even know that the submission opened until a week had passed, but I could be wrong.


My first level is almost done and I have some amazing ideas for the rest of the levels. I was stumped on the theme at first. I can’t what to see everyones games.

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I’m making a space game for the Flowjam but I don’t know how to draw anime faces for the cutscenes. Can anyone help?

Use reference, or trace actual anime portraits with pixel art (with pixel perfect mode). It’s a good way to improve your art skills and learn something new! (The more you trace something the more you learn how to do it without tracing it. After you can stop tracing things try just using reference instead and you’ll see how much you’ve grown).


Alright, I’ll try that, thank you!

I used a random meme I had and this was the result:

With background:


Also my game has Communists for the bad guys is that okay or too politically sensitive?

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Not necessarily. The US have been fighting the communists for years so it’s not like it’s a current political issue, but more historic.

That is if you play as Americans or someone who has fought them previously.


Wait until you realize the USA has a communist party.


unfortunately it’s not very good :frowning:
(Compared to how they used to be)

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I don’t care if your games have political themes - but I don’t want the discussion to devolve into political arguing…


:hourglass: The Flowjam game submit button has been enabled, and the deadline countdown has started

You can submit your game(s) any time, and continue to work on it right up to the deadline. Don’t wait until the last minute to submit!


Yes sir

Oh shoot why… Also Canada has or had one too apparently.

I see. The game’s basic premise is that the main character’s boyfriend’s spaceship gets shot down by communists so she decides to take revenge. Also the communists have a square-shaped space ring that closes down on people (reminds me of Fortnite and other battle royale games). So no specific countries are involved I believe.