Overriding walk animation to jump then back to walk

Currently when I try to jump while moving, the walk animation cancels the jump animation. Is there any way to stop it from doing this? I have a base idea on what I need to do but it will prevent me from using the walk animation when walking. I am currently trying to achieve this using the logic gates but I have not used it before so it is rather confusing. Guidance on this will be greatly apprieciated.

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Have you tried using priority within the animations themselves? It’s a simple solution, but an effective one.


I’ll give it a go. Ty!

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You could make the walking animation happen only when hitting the keys for walking and a jump animation happen only when using the jump button.
That is the only way I know how to do it.
Hope it helps.


Yes, there’s a priority in the animation block.
But I would also recomend adding different animations for when your x velocity is greater than zero (more of a leap) and when your x velocity is zero(just a jump)

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Hello @Alex_s_Lizard !
I recently answered this question, take a look: Does anyone know how to have the jump animation last for the entire duration of the jump?

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Thanks for all of the suggestions! I am currently using @Ramshackle first suggestion about animation priority but I may do as @Flying_Fajita suggested to improve it later on. Once again, thank you for your help!