Started work on the POND free album videos - and they’re going to be animated! Trying out a different style than usual. It’s still technically pixel art, but there is a twist. You’ll have to see:D
Been helping @sup3r87 for a bit now for the soundtrack for the game NOITCIDDA!
Hope you all enjoy, and thank you sup3r87 for giving me the opportunity to work with you! Cheers!
Big thanks for contributing music to the project! Really enhances the experience, and thanks for putting up with all my nitpicks lol xD
I can’t play the game(for previous reasons) so can I just listen to the music? (:
A lot of them are variations of the same theme with different twists. Here’s the three tracks I did for it (not for free use for obvious reasons):
Menu Theme - BeepBox
Game Theme - BeepBox
Ending Theme - BeepBox
It’s been a while since I’ve shown anything of the SOL project, and there’s been a few updates since the last update video was published. So, here’s a few previews:
Anyways, cheers!
NOTE: Foreground object sprites by @glowbug
Can we get a beta?
or a demo?
or somethin?
There will be one - I’ve been working on this on and off, so even though there is a decent amount to show, it isn’t nearly enough to garner a demo. My idea for the demo is the whole intro and maybe the first chapter of the game. That said, I still haven’t add proper enemies yet lol It’s going to take a while because of life stuff and the fact that this project is a hobby at the moment.
If I had funding, I would have had this out by last year XD I apologize for any inconvenience
For @rcreger ONLY
Are you @rcreger ? if not leave
Psst @rcreger can you send me the link to SOL i’ll look at stuff give feedback
and stuff, i’ll be a beta tester…
I honestly haven’t given the game out to really anyone except my very small dev team (literally just me and one other lol). The project is very much under wraps, and I think I honestly show a lot right now compared to other game development notes.
However, I do plan on making another update video on my YouTube (here it is if you want to look it up) once there is a little more content to show from the last update. For now, you can view the previous update from a few months ago, but I’m afraid I won’t be letting the SOL link out anytime soon:/
(Visisble disapointment)
Congrats to @Greggo , great to see it doing so well:D Can’t wait for the next updates!
You heard that right! I finally got finished with the videos for the upcoming royalty free album, POND. This is probably one of my favorite track compilations from the royalty free series, being a much slower, nostalgic sounding theme taking inspiration from the OST of A Silent Voice.
All that needs to be done is preparation for the videos (description, upload, etc.) and putting them out there. Before that, I need to find a date to do so! I will be keeping you all updated on this thread when the next album drops and will post a link for you to access it:D
So stay tuned! Cheers!
Excited about it! I enjoyed listening to the previous albums and can’t wait to hear this one!
That’s crazy, I remember when it was the 1 year anniversary
It’s final - POND will be releasing tomorrow, December 7th at 6PM EST on my YouTube. Keep an eye out for the release:D Cheers!
The POND album is OUT NOW on the cregerBot YouTube channel free of use! Now including stylish, animated backdrops for each track to help better envision the theme and the process of imagination for these tracks. It was a ton of fun working on these, and I think some of these are the best I have ever made.
You can check out the POND album on my YouTube with the full 6-track playlist!
Cheers, and enjoy!
omg i’m listening to them all right now and my favorite has to be My Light’s Shadow
i’m adding these all to my own playlist, they’re so good
will it have lore