Plz help me guys

I have Android

No I am not making game on mobile I am making it on computer but I download the game that I did on my mobile then he said (the name of my game: keeps stopping

This is a question for @grazer or @“JR 01” , I have never exported to mobile before.

K if I download it on google play it will be rejected or it will work???

If you download is to google play and publish it, as long as the game has touch controls it will work.


You will need a publisher’s license, which costs 25 american dollars.

I buy it

So now when I publish it… It will work??

If it doesn’t, check your code for infinite loop errors and bugs. If it has none of those, then yes.

K thx bye

Hi how to make products on my game??

I had answered that question in an earlier discussion that you made, but I’ll answer it again.

You cannot put any in-app purchases into your games. And that idea has already been turned down due to the fact that you may need to do a lot of complex things with the app store in order to allow in-app purchases.

K thx

Hi meburningslime I only put the save block into once block that’s set??

Use This

Screenshot 2020-05-26 at 1.35.02 PM



Can I copy and paste the levels??