Plz help me guys

For now, levels cannot be copied. It is a feature that has been widely requested, so MAYBE it will be a possibility in the future.

But I have many levels and I want to connect them with each other for example: I want to connect lobby to the level but I have 2 level so now I want 2 lobby connect them to the 2 levels.

If Iā€™m understanding this correctly, youā€™d just need to make multiple lobbies. Like @Superstargames said, there is no available feature at the moment to copy and paste levels.

Yes u understand it but now what I do

So you want a lobby for every level?
If so, do this:
Use one block that spawns blocks around it to create a lobby. Then put this block in every level!

I donā€™t understand

Create a new block.
Add an extractor that tests this X.
Have this extractor go into 4 expression blocks on the A input and the Calculate input.
one expression block will say A+32, one A+64, one -A32, and one A-64.
Then have these numbers run into the X of 4 spawn blocks, one number per spawn block.
Have another extractor test for Y.
Put the Y extractor into all of the Y for the spawns.
Add a timer and set it to 1 tick.
Have the timer go into the spawn input for all four spawn blocks.
Select a wall type.
Make the spawn blocks spawn walls.

K donā€™t go I will try


What is calculate input??

I meant eval.

Ow k

If this works, you should have a 5-block long wall in-game. If this happens, then just keep on adding to the code to make a box, then the rest of the lobby.


I put that block on other level so the level will be like the first level???

This will make a wall wherever you put it. did it work?

If so, then make more walls. For example, at -96 X and +32 Y, you can spawn another block to start making a box for your lobby. Then do +64 Y, +96 Y, Ect. until you have made a 5 by 5 corner. Then do the same for 96 +32 and +192 +32.

It donā€™t workā€¦)if u can send me video or photo about making thisā€¦

Screenshot what you made by pressing Shift + Ctrl + F5