Spooky is my way of life
oh,and @CodeAlpaca heres a poem i’ve been making,any advice?
The hornet and the knight
the hornet and the knight
Loking for the king
pale and white
the hornet and the kinght
the lady white
the raidience bright
what do you think @CodeAlpaca @Pixel_Name1 ?
Hollow Knight Les GoooOOO
Yeah I have because I saw that it was kinda like zelda so I got it and grinded for like 3 weeks straight
Also ever seen the similarity between Hollow knight and August Silence
I have Hollow Knight on my Nintendo Switch, I love the game BUT I SUCK AT IT
Big Mess up
Alrighty then
Pretty good, a different style than what I use, but it’s good to have your own style
(srry i posted allitle more than i intended)
Actually, I mentioned August Silence was Similar to Hollow Knight in the topic before on my old account.
It even has the goo that comes off enemies
(but i play on box)
This is a poem I wrote when I was bored a while ago about the speedrunner Dream. It doesn’t deserve to be the poem of the day, but I figured I would post it.
He is the treasure sought after by all, not of gold, but of green,
He is the treasure desired by all, for he is their greatest Dream,
He is the killer of dragons and the slayer of men.
Chase him as you will, he’ll run just for the thrill,
Fight him as you will, he’ll kill you for the thrill,
For you will try to fight him as you will, but he will always win in The End.
I’m only allowed to mention 10 users in a single post so I had to break the pings up.
Pings 2
@DWGAMEMASTER @Autumnwind_cat @Pixel_Name1 @Deadly_Smile @TheFlowingLabThatFlowsALab
@John_Shrekinson I’m pinging you because you “hate” Dream and didn’t know if you’d want to hear this poem. If you want to be pinged for future poems just ask or go to the poll and click that you want to be pinged.
you mean dream as in the manhunt/speedrun faker?
yes, that dream. It was before the cheating, and it was based off of the manhunts
the best players always cheat despite them being the best players already
Why are most of these story’s so dark?!
I was about to say I had some upbeat poems, but then I realized that was wrong lol. I’ll make some happier ones when I get the chance.