Pug's 100% Honest Reviews

you right but thats why @paisleypug s reviews are the best

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Yeah that’s not how the behavior works.
It goes on a scale of 1-60

Game physics by default are set to 30, but you may set them up to 60. Things will probably feel a bit smoother this way, it’s just a different style of game. You can read the guide for it if you want.

So you can set it to 1000000000 if you want, but if the game lags, the game lags. It doesn’t prevent lagging.


:expressionless: If only we could set the fps… that is not how it works.


Your free to explore the test level and the kunoichi boss in the game but you can practice on the test dummy first if you want.


Ya Flowlab Game Creator - Dungeon runner RPG

Oh Brother


Guhh??? Also, I’ve already played this before on itch.io.

My game has a heavy inspiration from Just One Boss.

Ah ok. Haven’t gotten to it yet.

Unleash, by @ShadowGaming

While it feels very good, I feel like it’s a bit too spammy, also, you can easily get locked into moves and not be able to move for a while. Also, on the Kunoichi boss I guess I mashed too much and the little thingy above the HP went to 0 and I couldn’t attack anymore. I also found another bug where a blue arrow thingy would appear and my player would rotate together with it. 64%

Very good, the effects feel very flashy, although I think it could use with some squash and stretch and blood particles. 87%

Very nice! Not much to say! 89%

The music fits the game decently well but for some reason I always associate sorta digital settings with breakcore, I also think it’d be a good idea to add an option to disable the music. 67%

Very promising looking game! I’m excited to see what it turns into! 78%


Dungeon Runner RPG, by @BlackKnight

Where do I even start. Firstly, the bow mechanic is just weird, having to hold left click and then needing to press right click to shoot is really weird, if you want a thing where you have to draw back the bow, just put in the effort into making a system like that. Second, I don’t see any RPG mechanics here? The least you could do is maybe add a levelling system or item pickups or character creator or something. The game generally just feels janky. 26%

Here’s a tip. If you’re going to use an asset pack, stick to it. Having stuff from conflicting asset packs makes the art look janky and incoherent. Also, the game desperately needs juice, add some screenshake/particles maybe? Squash and stretch would also bring the enemies to life a ton more. 19%




I mean, atleast I can listen to my own music. 1%

This game needs a lot of work. But I can see it becoming something pretty cool in the future! 22%

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Just One Life , by @Jefferson-Bobby

Firstly, the thing with having to restart from the very start doesn’t make the game hard, It makes the game tedious, coupled with the incredibly huge boss HP makes the game flat out boring. 22%


  1. The lack of shading on the ground makes it look terrible.
  2. It lacks any sort of juice, disgraceful.
  3. The lasers should have light in the middle because they are giving off light.
  4. The art is hugely inconsistent, some things have shading and some things don’t. Some things use the Pico-8/16 palette and some don’t. 27%

Annoying. 23%

The music is way too happy and cheery. Chose something more intense, something more fitting of fighting a giant eyeball in the vast, dark abyss of space. A vast abyss of nothing but the corpses of failed explorers and the remains of civilizations long gone. The stars breathing their last breaths, as they begin to die. 21%

Mid. 24%

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In the lore you only have one life and are the Bosses first ever target. I wanted to make the game fairer so I wanted to see how “fair” the boss is and I’ll make very drastic changes to improve fairness. And everything uses the Pico 16 color pallet. Also I was not planning for the sound effects to be permanent. Also the boss only has 60 hp in easy mode. Also the main character’s IQ is 54.

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Thank you for the review. You don’t actually have to mash for combat, you can just hold W and it will activate auto combo mode.


could you review me game again

Hello Again!


Imma hop in and say hi and hop back out


I’m going to hop in and say HI, then hop back off. Maybe drop a game link for Pug to review.


I’ll review this tomorrow since I don’t have much of anything new to say about invader blue.