Qwen Game Review

As a Newbie on this website not others(for example construct, gdevelop, others) I would like to test my skills onces again at reviewing.

What i will review

Animations- 1 to 10
Art 1 to 10
Story 1 to 10
Character Traits 1 to 10
Mechanics 1 to 10


Put game down below and i will review as fast as sound


AS fast as sound? That’s a pretty quick! I’ll take your wager: what do you think of this game? Any feedback is appreciated :+1:


Instead of doing character traits because a lot of people do more mini games instead of story games so maybe do game loop or just how fun/appealing the game was too you


ok sirrrrr i will be with ya


Shatter Steel
The name really fits your game. I like how challenging the each levels are and all the upgrades.This game is really cool even though there is no real story line. I also like how natural things are. The other robots that are watching they are lively. they look at the player when on certain areas.Animations and Art is really simple and bright. They were really satisfying Effect making you motivated to do it like when the ememies gets killed. Also, i like it how exclamation marks warns you about incoming ememies. The Mechanics i really like it. The features. You can make a challenge for yourself at the boost board.
I will give this game a 10 out of 10 on Animations, Art, Character, Plus the feature that is shown in the game.



Here are two games I’ve been needing all the feedback I can get.

The first being The Heuchler.

It’s more of a longer game, and it doesn’t seem to load very well on small devices since another review discussion was unable to review it.

Here is a game I plan on reviving cause I think it was a lot of fun to play.

This one is mobile combatible and has a working save feature.


When i get home im at somewhere


for me i will be home at 2:49 sorry but i promise i will let you know

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Thank you very much, I appreciate the review! :blush:


Ball Bouce Simulator
Very good game! Good thing i have my phone! This game is really simple and relaxing. Really is. As I buy more upgrades It greats greater and I can make money faster. So this game is really good when you are in a car or anywhere without your computer. For the animation, not really just circles.Still great though. I always play games with shapes. Good Art. Brings back memories when i only made shapes for my game. I think there was a story here. Making money so very good. 10/10 rank you got my approval.

Things to make better
-You should make more effects to the game
-for example when the ball hits the brick shows pieces of it falling down or something
-Add more bright color

it́́́s good! keep going and dont stop.


Be postive keep going


Yeah, I wanted to animate the game up a little bit so it didn’t look kind of boring, but thanks to your review, I know what I should work on right away. Thanks!


Ok i will see what this is

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Game boy: Monster Edition
A really challenging game. Two of them.
1st game in the Game boy. Great driving game. This game gets faster as the game goes with infinite loops. The Art is just so simple and old-style, making it look like you are playing a Game boy game. There was no animations but the tracks made it cool. You should probably add drifting. Make it more realistic.

2nd Game
This game is really really cool. You could attack the ememy and not run away. It was a hard challenge when I play deeper in the game. The animations were smooth, good-old style.

I hope you make more games inside the gameboy.
Keep working you will make it.

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The Henchler
This game was Amazing! The Game play was smooth, the story was. you could pick your own end.Loved it! the animation were cool , but the main character is kinda stiff, but good, making the effect of tiptoeing. Also, I like the secure setting even though its not. For the mechanics and features, you really caught me. I really love how you can change shapes to become different people.

Heres what i suggestion when playing the game.
Add more props, for example lights, dark places if you can.
Is there any chance you could add warnings that lasts for 5 seconds then they caught you.
The art is ok but you could add a little more

Animation/art: 9.5/10
Story: 10
Mechianc/Features: 10!
Character: 10

Love it!
I played it 4 times



Day 2 from my game review ready to start now.

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