Its a update board for Raise a Noob also heres the link to the game
The Newbie update (with stuff a flowlab noob can do)
Uploaded game
Food and health
money system
Grazer upgrade
(Note: need to find out what Grazer will do as a upgrade)
Leave any suggestions if you like!
I think you should remove the gitch effect it does not looke like a raise a noob it looks like you are raising it for a dark purpose…LORE?
You could also put more stuff in the background to make it look like home.
but so far its fun!
got rid of it but there is lore… so look out noob may have a sinister plan
jk but there IS lore somwhere
So I bought the upgrade and… yeah
grazer, so grazer doesnt have any code yet cuz idk what to make him do so the only code in him is the click = -100
Looks great well i hope you are still updating it
no i bought the more money upgrade cause i only had 50 bucks
fixed it, for some reason it was at -200
Anyone know how to make a one time upgrade?
I can definitely make that!
So @Vaprzz You still updating this game or is it finished?
yup faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from finished
Ok Well! I will be waiting
For updates Just ping me and i will be fine
speaking of updates… im working on achevments