I was messing around with raycasting, and there seem to be many bugs with this…
Are there any glaring issues that I just don’t see in the code?
For example, why is this not hitting
You don’t specify what you’re talking about, so I can only guess at what you mean.
I guess maybe you are confused about the fact that the wall collisions are merged, so they are no longer being targeted as individual physics shapes? If you want to avoid that, you can add a random behavior block to your walls - objects with behaviors are not merged together.
If that’s not what you’re talking about, please give provide some more details.
I don’t see this shape in your level when I play it.
That makes so much sense
The only difference between these walls are their size
It’s to the left of the starting point
Another Screenshot of the edge not working quite right…
Raycasts detects the raduis of the block.
I see so many ray cast tests but what I would like to see is someone actually make a full game with it
I think I might try making a racing game. I did get the 3d effect to work somewhat, I just need to get objects other than a wall to work well
Just do the same code as the walls but a different shape and non-collidebal, and make it interactive. Or make other entities that move and add interactions with them wether it would be to kill them or other.