Scoundrels and Meburningslime present: Dungeons of Dragonstein

the game definitely has potential, the main thing that needs to be improved is the pace


Thanks, Iā€™ll have a look soon.


Gameplay wise I think hitting the enemy should feel more impactful.

Movement should be smoother, idk if I like only being able to move in a single direction at one time, it feels unnatural and mostly makes sense in grid movement.

After a projectile hits an enemy/wall it should disappear and not stay floating around for a second.

The enemies need something unique to give them more character, like how the skeleton is long-range. Ik the health is different and speed, but something in an attack animation would be nice.

The dungeon doesnā€™t seem properly laid out. It feels like it was just expanding and not fully planned.

I think being able to click ā€œSpaceā€ or something to also attack would be nice for users that donā€™t use a mouse.

There should be a visual reward for picking up a potion, it makes the game feel much more alive.

I would recommend not using the Bar behavior for the health, it doesnā€™t look as good as a custom one and it takes you out of the game a bit.

Why does it take so long to load the level in? Is it just that the level is really big and it just takes long to load or did you add that? If so make some sort of loading screen, itā€™s just another element that helps improve the atmosphere of the game.

Iā€™m unsure of what the red on the outside of the dungeon is supposed to be.

An animation for when the characters (player and enemy) attack would make the game feel so much more alive compared to them just running into you. (btw a slight error in the elf sprite is that behind the bow it is filled in when it should be empty)

Sorry if this is long, Iā€™ve just been practicing analyzing a couple of the games made for the flowjam to see how they could have been better and how I can implement that into my own games.


The borders and grud movement are because the game is set to be a dungeons amd dragons inspired game. I agree, enemies should have just as much uniqueness as the players. Iā€™ve never had projectiles not disappear, what specifically are you talking about? All are destroyed whenever they hit something.


Iā€™ve seen them float around after the hit an enemy, this usually happened when the enemy was killed so it might have something to do with the enemy being removed before the attack registers that it had a collision (Iā€™ve only seen this with the arrow)


Iā€™ll do some testing. I know it doesnā€™t work if you hit point blank, Iā€™ll double check anything else though.

Whoā€™s too overpowered?
  • Elf
  • Dwarf
  • Tiefling
  • TeĀ°Ā°Ā°
  • ThrĀ°-Ā°Ā°Ā°Ā°Ā°

0 voters


I havenā€™t tried all of the characters yet, only a select few, but Iā€™ll let you know when I do.


why is there two seemingly glitched names, and why did you vote two times on the poll?

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Out of the three characters that I know of, I donā€™t see how theyā€™re op, but not powerful enough. You move pretty slow, I found out you can dash by holding shift, which was good.

The dwarf moves super slow and has no range. He does more damage, but without a shield or health regeneration, itā€™s just death.

The archer is decent, but you have to attack quite a lot just to kill something.

The tiefling is basically the same as the archer, but I feel is slightly worse.

The cool down on the attacks are horribly slow and the enemies move and attack way too fast compared to the player. Itā€™s super difficult to even beat the first stage alone.


Clicking shift makes you dash. You can dash once every second. Thatā€™s how you move fast. Holding it does nothing.

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Here are the damage stats.

Elf: 100 DPM
Tiefling: 140.25 DPM
Dwarf: 200 DPM
TeĀ°Ā°Ā°: 210 DPM
ThrĀ°-Ā°Ā°Ā°Ā°Ā°: 420 DPM

Dwarf spawns with an extra three hitpoints per round so he can tank a lot.

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If you are wondering what the other two races are, you unlock one by beating the level one boss and the other by completing the game.

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As you run towards a skeleton, they move away at almost the same speed, while also shooting at super insane speed and aim. So I die everytime I find a skeleton as the dwarf.


When Iā€™m a dwarf I donā€™t fight skeletons until Iā€™m at a spot that I can corner them.

Also, if you swing your axe when an arrow is shot it gets deflected.

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nice game, could use some animation for me, and also SKELETONS. They are annoying.


Thanks @Nedia0102 ! Yes skeletons are op lol, Iā€™m working on balancing. Theyā€™re the only enemy powerful enough to be used for every single stage.
My team and I are working on animations as we speak.

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Visual que :chart_with_upwards_trend:


yea, the game needs a lot of visual cues


Thereā€™s now an audio que. Animations are our next priority!

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