SCP: Revamped. it's back!

SCP-131 Eye Pods
SCP-1123 The Skull
SCP-294 The Coffee Machine
SCP-682 The hard to kill Reptile
SCP-978 The Polaroid
SCP-516 The Tank
SCP-008 Zombifying Protein
SCP-012 A Bad composition or “On Mount Golgotha”
SCP-066 “Eric?”
SCP-079 The Computer
SCP-427 Lovecraftian Locket
SCP-500 Panacea
SCP-513 The Bell
SCP-914 Clockworks
SCP-990 The Dream Man
SCP-1025 The Book of Common Diseases
SCP-1048 Teddy Bear
SCP-1499 Gas Mask
Obviously Anomalous Ducks, lol.

Just a small list…

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Wow, you’ve been thinking on this for a while… Lol
Or is this just a copy and paste from SL or SB? :laughing:

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I definitely want to add anomalous ducks, but I gotta figure out a way to introduce a lake. Might do that scp that’s just a pond, lol.

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No, i actually knew all of these, but I didn’t know the numbers so i had to google those.

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So already when I loaded up the game and looked at the performance stats it shows raycasts are taking up the most space. Simple fix, just have any object that uses a raycast only use it when they are on screen or when neccessary. DO NOT have any object constantly use a raycast unless they HAVE to.

The new “In View” block should help you


Um… Hehehe… Well, funny story @Greggo

Every single block uses a raycast, the walls alone use 30 raycasts per block…

That is a MAJOR factor in the lag, my friend

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Fixed some gun glitches by patching a critical oversight
Removed light keyboard command

What do the raycasts in the walls do?

It auto-generates the animations.

You only need them to do that once not always.

I’m doing the same thing in a project I’m working on

Okay, The only raycasts I can see being added to this game is just for the player. If SCP-096 gets in the way it will attack the player until dead.
If SCP-173 gets in the way, he pauses.
You could also make the raycasts stop at walls so you can’t accidentally look at 096 from across the map or something, lol.
Other than that you should probably get rid of the rest. Unless you’re using it for something important that I failed to notice.

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I simply just made the walls check their animation sprites every random 10 seconds and it split the workload so much it now runs as smooth as my brain!

@Greggo how did u know it was raycasts…?

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Why every ten seconds? They only need to do that once, right?

Also if you turn on the performance metrics in the game’s setting it’ll show you what’s using the most space while you test your game.

No, there are a lot of things that blow up walls… Lol

Go touch the bouncy ball in the bottom left.

Well, make it so when something does blow up, thats when it triggers the walls or something, not every ten seconds cause if you blow up something right as the 10 seconds passes the walls won’t change until another 10 seconds has went by and that would be kind of a poor feature.
Also not entirely sure why you have exploding stuff in the game, but okay, lol.

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It’s an scp game. Tell me I’m not supposed to add nukes, rpgs, etc.

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