⚙️Shattering Steel⚙️

Cool, just added voting for cards in the trello, so if you like a particular feature, feel free to vote it up so I can tell what’s liked more than other stuff :+1:


How do you add voting in trello?


If you go to power ups in the top right, search for “voting” and add it like a chrome extension. Be sure to set it to public, not just members when you add it!


Yep! That’s the one. I think it would be easier to find if you added into the same post as the Trello.


That’s true, but this is also for shattering steel, not bits in review lol. I have a dedicated post for bits in review, I just haven’t been working on that for a little while since it’s hard to juggle game dev, game reviews, and life. It’s not that I don’t want to do the reviews, people really enjoy them, I just tend to find more fulfillment out of game dev


Sorry that Shattering Steel runs so poorly @117JOJO :rofl:
I’ve only been made aware recently by @CodeAlpaca, but tbh I didn’t even know it was a problem before that.
If anyone has issues with shattering steel’s fps and has the ability to see performance metrics, I would love to see what is causing the most lag on your systems. It really helps me narrow down what needs to be optimized more


I run it on Chromebook and it runs fine…


That’s pretty weird. It runs well on my computer, but I have an engineering laptop, so I would be a little upset if it didn’t. I’ll keep working on optimizations as I go, and if someone discovers a specific thing causing a lot of problems, just lmk


Or is it?

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I personally wouldn’t look too much into old sprites :man_shrugging:

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Ok if you say so, I will.

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Up to you, but I’d really suggest looking at the updated sprite for that :+1:

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Hey everyone! Quick update so that you all know that the game is still being updated. I’ve been pretty busy with stuff outside of game dev, but I have been slowly making progress towards some features.

Currently I’m working on updating the interfaces and levels in the game. These will directly lead and allow for new and interesting content.
As for actual implementations, I’ve recently made some more responsive and less annoying UI changes and have also implemented new tile sets. Look forward to new stuff!

Here’s some spoilers and images from development to help bide the time



I just found this game lol. Also this is great. I played for 5 hours the first time I tried it so that I got all of the upgrades, although I can’t seem to be able to click on the attack upgrade. Are you still working on that or something?


Hmm, that definitely sounds like a bug, I’ll look into it! I’ll try to update it, but soon most of the UIs will be revamped and changed anyway, so we’ll see which comes first lol


I actually found the bug already. Strangely it is because the button is in front of the challenge board object. It seems like the mouse clicks in the objects are interfering with one another. I’ll just move the challenge board until I can fix it or something


Hey everyone! This will be more of a side project for when I am too tired/busy to get much done.

I am currently working on the story of Shattering Steel. In order to ensure that I cover things that people want to know, I would like to ask what questions you all have about the Shattering Steel lore!

Now, I know there’s not a lot right now, however, questions that I feel won’t spoil too much of my plans for the story going forward I may try to answer or hint at (:


Who made the weapons? Probably can’t give away


Oh, that’s a good question! I do have to be a little strict regarding that though. Do you mean who designed the weapons or where are the weapons coming from?


this gannon?(or is it spelled cannon?)