I’ll try, lemme just play the other zones first.
@Geo_The_Hedgehog nice new zone intro screen!!!
your profile picture sorta resembles shadow.
… Not really. Tan arms, lighter fur, and no red highlights on his eyes. Also, the bottom spine points down, and he has 2 sidespines on the sides of his head.
I meant with the spines.
Ehhh, still. The bottom spine points down, instead of up. Shadow’s go up, Geo’s go down.
oh, ok. anyway, sorry to be off-topic, but have you played shadow generations yet?
I have. It’s pretty good, probably one of the best Sonic games I’ve played in a while.
so freaking true. I just have to defeat black doom. I am so close.
Sonic Unleashed is still my favorite. Say what you want about the Werehog levels, I thought they were awesome.
You guys think Sonic Colors is being underrated now?
Yeah those levels were awesome!
But personally sa1 was my fav
It was my FIRST sonic game ever, I still remember beating chaos
No, I think we still remember Sonic Colors. Btw we should probably take this somewhere else
The design for Bubble Ruin Zone - ACT 2 is finished! I just need to make a major boss. There’s a placeholder boss in the stage right now, just so it’s beatable.
WARNING: This stage is the longest out of EVERY SFU stage there is, across all 3 games!!
How i feel after i drown to a sonic water level:
Oh yeah, forgot to mention you can get invincibility monitors now. So, try to find one in every stage!
Sonic - Flow’d Up Trilogy - Collection by Geo - itch.io
Play the SFU trilogy on itch!
With every sonic game, there will always be underwater levels… with recovery