just like the real sonic! nice, dude!
I forgot about that mechanic
Now you created an official-non official 2d sonic game!
…What is happening…
that happens when you transition to poker pinewood I think.
It’s a story point that’s going to be elaborated once I finish Sonic’s Story. But if you played SFU1, you’ll recognize what stage this is
btw in case you are wondering, there is a new otc!
Huh? What do you mean?-
The Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny, we got the 1st one in 2021, but it managed to get to the post limit (10,000) and got a second later in 2022. Today, we just got the 7th.
(Sorry for being off topic just needed to explain that)
i caused the 6th one to close. i got the last post.
why is it no longer possible to go into the editor???
also, what happened to your older games?
I locked them because I don’t want people besides my team to go into the level select, and so no one can steal or copy my code.
Is locking it an indie feature, or can free version also do it?
I think its only indie.
well that’s sad because how am I going to skip the water level?
Simple: You play the game
oh, ok then. don’t you also dread the water levels?
I don’t hate water levels because they’re water levels. I hate SOME water levels because they’re not done well. Stages like Hydrocity, Aquatic Ruin, and 16-bit Tidal Plant are good because you have plenty of opportunities to go fast, unlike Labyrinth, Tidal Tempest, and Blue Marine. Look at the level design, and actually play the level, instead of just avoiding it because there’s water present.
ok, yeah thats fair. i like some water levels, like seaside hill.
Also, I added a new shield in Bubble Ruin, if anyone would care to try it out.
You’ll have to search for it, but you’ll know it when you see it.