Starblast highscores here

What I’m about to pull is a multiplayer mode with my 2 player scrolling function. I love that rig… What i might do is release updated copies. Wait… What if i went for broke and sold it on steam???

You need to make a finished, well polished game, and have it virtually bug free, because not all games get greenlit.

Ik… Thats what im going to make sure i do first

You’re gonna sell it?

Yeah but everyone here gets a free copy


You would have to black it on Flowlab, after making the desktop export, so people can’t play it on here.

Make like a demo level, that opens up a link to buy the full game.

Yeah… I figured id have to do that

But people can access the editor meaning they can bypass it. And i wanna be able to update the game so im not deleting it. I wish there was a way to remove the open editor button


These are my high scores ever since the new update

or maybe the private feature I mentioned in the Crystal Storm discussion…

Im going to add a competitive multiplayer mode. 2 players have limited ships that can only fire in the direction they face.

Each player gets a point for every second they are alive, when they die they lose five seconds and then respawn, the first one to 30 wins.

On the multiplayer level use wasd to move P1 (red) and spacebar to shoot. Use the numberpad to move P2(green) and enter to shoot.

Also my super secret special multiplayer scrolling rig is used in the level


oh well…

Hold on… Your score is amazing in the harder mode. Yet its crappy in the normal one

scratch that

I dont play the normal one xD

Oh… Wow… I guess you like the new diagonal shooting


Probably going to use this as a thumbnail