Starblast: Neon Wars...reborn! Along with more SB3

Faux CFC5497E-106C-44C8-9254-2D6BFA8F8A24
3D render along with glowing


The chaser in 3D!

@grazer what do you think?

I can’t see it proprely but it’s nice… making all the sprites 3d like that could be an cool idea


First: SB2/original Weaver sprite
Second: Sb3/3D Weaver sprite


One heck of a game…

Hey man, I got something that should help you out. You said you were looking for space pictures, well I make my own images, but I found you a space generator. This program will generate a random space background image based on the numbers you choose, and the images are free and public domain for you to use, so even if you don’t have the ability to make space pictures, you can use this and make as many interesting backgrounds as you want for starblast.

WHOA… those are cool

It uses seeds like Minecraft does.
This is what you get if you disable the sun and use “Starblast” as the seed.
Like I said, these are public domain and free to use. You could just use this one if you wanted.


If you have a computer, I recommend learning Spacescape. This program creates ultrarealistic space images free to use and exportable to a skybox for 3D game engines.

Since I have a computer and GIMP, I can generate both types and then edit them together with color and brightness tweaks to make my own custom background, which also is free to use if you want it.


Dang. Thanks!

I cant upload the picture for some reason, but I weakened the exposure, strengthened the contrast, and strengthened the highlights.

This just makes it more complimenting to the colors of everything


Glad to help.


Made a shield bubble that surrounds you instead of spawning in half visible… that way its easier to see.

@“Mhx Ar” is that better now

Also updated the Zone mode sprites

I don’t know, man. I’ve been helping other people out so much this week, I haven’t even had time to work on my own game. I haven’t had a chance to check out yours, but if I have time, I might tonight. Sorry I didn’t even get to finish those run sprites either.

Dont worry about it, dude. Take your time.