Sword Volleyball

Thinking of a name for this one currently

But decided to post it as the ai is getting exceedingly better every day. just teaching it to spike rn and it should be nearly as good as me. The amount of dumb math this required has forced me to write all it on paper to visualize it.

I’ll add some scoring system later, and this will eventually be made multiplayer because it has less things to sync than in bladeball.


got the basics of spiking down, setting is next

spiking is really precise based on the x pos of the ball so it’s really difficult to get the ai to hit a nice spike every time, i’m going to think of a better way to make him spike while i’m busy tonight


I can’t really play it on mobile here but the AI seems like it works well, so I’m looking forward to see where it goes from here.


The Ai is so good, TOO GOOD. It baited me out, I was thinking the ball was gonna go over, then it ran in and spiked it. Beyond that, this is a really creative and fun idea. Way too complicated for me td brain


its pretty cool, though make it so when the ball falls to the ground the level resets and a point is granted because right now I need to press r every time me or the “AI” make a mistake

I also wouldn’t call it an AI since the concept of AI is to have a mind of its own, which is impossible to do with flowlab at the moment. I’d call it more of an algorithm as it follows a pattern to do stuff like spike.

Imo a nice concept. Looking forward to how this is going to turn out later


I love games with AI in them, most of the games I make have AI. Yours is very well made, I am very impressed and I can’t wait for the finished product.


This game is really cool! The AI is amazing! The physics appear to work well and everything as well. The sword graphics are done well but I´m mostly excited by the AI!


nice game i like the concept and the AI is very good!


(i had to it’s too goofy)


Cuts_ups: Intellegence
Me: Intelligence (with an “i”)
Everybody -Cuts_ups: Intelligence

(its a joke)


Minor, inconsequential spelling mistake detected


dies of minor spelling mistake for literally no reason


Alright. Art done, scoring system done, ai nearly done, and some beta sound effects.

Ai features -
Setting, bumping, and sometimes spikes
Knows when to set and when to bump, and sort of when to spike
Can block spikes from opponent
Bumps the ball over to where it’s opponent isn’t
Can control really fast flicks and spikes thanks to some x vel setting math
Calculates where the ball is going to fall by using an estimated time and multiplying the x vel by it

Remember, the only thing the ai knows is the ball x y x vel y vel, opponent x, ai x and y, and who hit the ball last. A human couldn’t do all of what this ai does with only that knowledge. This is my smartest ai yet, and it only has two random numbers in it, for spikes and if he bumps or sets on 2nd hit. Have fun trying to beat him.

I’ve been playing this a lot lately because i have terrible internet at my dad’s house and can’t play most games i usually play, so I’ve learned some mechanics such as flicks, and how to hit extremely fast spikes. You can rotate when you are near the ball to get extra force, and even go upside down and flick it really fast, sort of like a jump serve. Try finding more stuff before i make this multiplayer. Have fun.

Future additions:
Just like in normal volleyball you can only hit the ball 3 times on your side.
Not allowing you to go to the opponent’s side


please make it so that i can rotate the sword with my mouse. Arrow keys are kinda tedious. (also yeah 3 hits may be a good addition since sometimes the algorithm hits the ball like 10 times before going for a spike)

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YES YES @Cuts_ups i have a 60% keyboard so no arrow keys i have to hold fn and then ijkl but i cant use wasd while doing that


Alright. Huge updates now. ’

Bot can now flick the ball relatively well
Bot now rotates using a rotate towards system, not by setting rotation
You can’t land on enemy’s side of the field
Visual indicator showing how fast the ball was when scored
Net adds a ton of spin to the ball on collision
No more ui or indicators on for bot testing, everything is cleaned up
Bgr is brighter

Bugs fixed:
Some collision errors
Bot getting stuck pointing in the direction of ball
Net hitbox catching on sword
Bot getting stuck trying to spike the ball

I’d like to post a video of a game against the bot but idk how to post videos on the forums, does anyone know?


And this will not be made in flowlab multiplayer, since shared objects are broken and the shared behaviour is broken

And for some reason also shared and player objects can’t ever sync to each other anymore

The ball just has a seizure and glitches between two positions.

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Yeah multiplayer is kinda bad ngl

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I take a video then convert it to a gif, but it has to be short/low res because the forums have a file limit of 5 mb (I think)


too small a limit, i’ll live with not posting it