Taile Gamougg 5 Production

Level 2 will be a boss fight. Here’s a block from the level:

Do you guys like the new art style I’m going for? I’m moving out of the 32x32 grid, at least vertically. I also made the heads much smaller. This is a WIP sprite of Gamougg (still need to draw the last few details, then cut and paste parts to rearrange the sprite so that it isn’t front-facing anymore).

  • Bring back the old one :rage:
  • Wow actually good sprite from JS? No way! :exploding_head:

0 voters



Poll closing on August 3rd, one month after it ws made. Also, I have some drawings for alternate dimension Gamouggs below.

Dunno but this one's old design appears as a skin in Gamougg 4

This one is the main design from TAILE GAMOUGG: X by @puginarug, which you should play right now btw.

here’s a colored bit of concept art


*for the tgx design


Nice, thanks. I was trying to draw that design from memory.


Do you want him to be in Gamougg 5 by the way? Right now, here are the plans for all the alternate Gamouggs in the game; spoilered for those who want to be surprised when the game comes out (game file names will be in brackets) [user who created them will be in square brackets]:

  • Ninja Gamougg [BradenS]
  • Police Gamougg (Deceptive Justice)
  • Bonebreaker Gamougg
  • Ligma Gamougg [in-game design by extrez and puginarug]

Also is that concept the past or future Gamougg?

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Well, that Gamougg is from before TG4, also, please let me code him myself, I want him to feel similar to how he feels in the game.


Okay, you can code him after the jam because we need to focus on that right now. The ninja Gamougg concept I posted on Discord was made before the Flowjam. I haven’t made a proper drawing like that since it started, only doodles.

Also can you please tell me what year the game is set in? If it’s alright with you or the lore


Gamougg run animations?!?


dont like how realistic it looks, maybe make it look more like

You need to stop making these in Flowlab if you ain’t gonna press Windows + PrintScreen and upload a 1:1 scale ratio screenshot


oh okay, give me a sec
here, that better?


I am sorry but I had to say it, this is not the correct word for this particular sentence, DW, please edit it to ‘Here’.

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Amazing design. Really nice sprites. I’m not sure if I want that style for the whole game though, since I am shifting to a new side-view style, but that can be for the Gamougg 3 new updated version. Or it could be an alternate dimension version of Gamougg in Gamougg 5. Or a fangame you could make. The choice is yours.

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im a free user so i cant make a fangame but i could make a version facing 3rd person angle

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also i think skulls without the bottom jaw look way cooler

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I mean like a 2.5D/3D view like the direction default sprite is facing. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, I could use the chance to practice my conversion technique that transforms front-facing sprites into 2.5D or 3D sprites.

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well i think you mean like hollow knight
where he’s in that angle

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