The Bard's Whimsy

Ah, how shall I start? I never was one for eye-catching beginnings.
Well, I suppose I ought to introduce myself.
I am, more than anything, a simple Bard. :wink: More an artist than a game developer, my very first dream was to create a game where people might explore to their hearts’ content.
My first attempt at coding ended in more errors than I could count. And yes, I know.
You could have tried harder!
So you just… gave up?
No, really. I understand! If I had continued in that vein, persevering until I realized for certain my dreams, or their failure.
But fellow humans, what was I to do when I stumbled across this wonderful place?
A Bard, with no idea how to use modern technology and hopeless at coding, entering the world of Flowlabland.
As a skeptic.
Ah yes, I had lost all hope! My sense of perseverance had been shorn to shreds in my first attempts, but as I explored further, my delight waxed full. Simple, straightforward bundles. Ah, how could I have ever returned to the world of scrolling code and red error notices?
Alas, my newly found hobby.
Simple coding, paired with art.
A masterpiece, is it not?

Au revoir!
(The curtain does not close. For a closing is an ending, and this is a beginning, is it not? :wink: )


An artist and a writer too ay?
Welcome to flowlab, hope you enjoy.


Thank you very much! Although I believe it is too much to call me anything of a writer, I appreciate the thought :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the Flowlab community! I hope your experience here is the most enjoyable, and I wish you good luck!


Update: Reading over my previous introduction, I remembered that intermission also heralds a close of the curtains. How I could have forgotten that, I do not know, but I suppose if I should ever take a break, I shall post here a closing of the curtains.

Good day to ye all, Sirs and Madams!

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I shall begin to forget the titles of all the people whom I have met here! So, I shall make a list and edit it regularly. If you notice that I have forgotten you, I do not mind in the least if you wish me to write your title here also!

Without further ado:

ManiacPumpkin: Duke
Meburningslime: Lord
Beheaded_man: Sir (knight)
DWGAMEMASTER: Sir (knight)
BeesyBee: Lady
jake: Sir (knight)
Deadly_Star: Sir (knight)
Deadly_Smile: Sir (knight)


Sick, I’m a knight! Duke definitely fits ManiacPumpkin.


Although I am honored to now hold the title of Lord, I do not think it proper.
I have only been here for a mere one year. Users alike Duke ManiacPumpkin and Sir DW have had much more time to build their popularity and attain higher titles.


I’m very happy you think the titles fitting, sir!

Ah, but m’Lord your art station is popular, and so I have called you Lord. Besides, to demote someone would be discourteous of me!

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And me :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


I didn’t have time to name every user who has been on for longer than me, but you get to be a night.

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I know that dude, it was a joke.

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I wasn’t included in this… :frowning:
I even welcomed you here. And you included ADAM :sob: (that’s deadly stars)


You were the first one who met me when I joined the forums too :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


Ah, I do apologize! It’s just that, I haven’t given you a title yet. How would you like to be Lord @DeadlyGumChewer :slight_smile:

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Could it be sir? I don’t see a common gumchewer wearing a mask that has a deadly smile being a lord.

Sir it is, Sir Deadly_Smile!

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You are most welcome :slight_smile: ~ :sparkles:

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