The Facility - Update log and Announcements (Entity Lists)

Subject: 007
The Table

Subject: 007 is an entity that appears in the physical form of a small coffee table of unknown origin. It had a square top with a basic decorative deign on each side, plus a small drawer that is shown. The table appears to be made up of a common oak, but the exact wood is unknown since any wood harvested from the table immediately turns to ash. The chips on the table will regenerate within a few days depending on the size of the damage.

007’s abilities have not all been discovered, but a unique feature this entity obtains is within the drawer. The table shows a small 11x4.75x10.5 in drawer that can be slid out 9 in. When an object of random value is placed within the drawer, it will then replace that item with something random of equal value within 300 meters from the table. The drawer must be shut and closed completely to successfully activate this anomaly. Which anything can be placed within the table, but it will only replace it with inanimate objects so it cannot transport any organic matter through the drawer.

It has limits considering the drawer has a small size so it will only allow trading between items of smaller size.
The table can replace or trade items of equal value. Any high value, example jewelry, can be replaced with something that the user treasure mosts. If money is all someone really wants, then the chance for their gain of money would be much higher for someone who treasures materialistic items.
Items to have been replaced has included small guns, coins, cash, cards, small toys, and anything else that is within 300 meters and can fit within the drawer.
The item will be completely replaced with the item taken in turn. So no matter, nothing gains or loses.

Subject 007 has no harmful effects on any organic matter and has been deemed safe by the Foundation. But is on strict surveillance to protect from non-clarified users and any future effects it might have.