The Glorious Off Topic Channel of Destiny 4

Я ненавижу мультяшную собаку.

Я просто оставляю случайную ссылку на видео

[DISCLAIMER, I DID NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE FOR THIS AND I’M NOT THAT GREAT AT RUSSIAN] But I’m pretty sure you’re saying you despise cartoon dog. (had to ask my dad for the meaning of ненавижу but otherwise i understood everything.)

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Мы знаем, что вы плохо говорите по-русски, поэтому мы будем говорить по-русски, чтобы с вами заморачиваться.

I don’t fully undestand any words from this other than video, I’m also 100% sure you used google translate for this.


Я использую Google только для получения русского алфавита

Had to google translate this. Also, atleast I know a bit of actual russian.

I don’t believe you. There is no way someone who speaks Russian is named Bobby Jefferson and lives in Blytheville.

I know Russian, a lot of Russian.

I just have an English key-board.

Here we either have to learn Russian or German and I regretfully chose Russian, I usually only get passing grades in Russian.

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Wow just… wow…

I am releasing a prototype of @Yoann’s upgraded 3D engine.

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Funilly enough both Russia and Germany invaded Latvia during WW2(well not funilly, loads of innocent latvians died because of the Nazis and Communists)

I’m in pain.

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your not inhumane, but this is what light-mode feels like for others
(couldn’t find a good gif)


Thanks for making my eyes melt.


I have no excuse, I am a lightmode user