I wanted to make a card game based on my book series, but scaling would be very atrocious since characters gain and lose power and abilities throughout the timeframe of the story and you’ll have a straight up normal guy versus a cosmic horror so it unless there was some value ramping or some downside to use higher powered characters, it isn’t going to work.
here me out, a card game with simple to understand hard to master combat, as well as the randomness of a dice
flowlab fs update: its taking longer then i would of thought, but i have a working concept, as well as some gameplay
I could try making a concept for you, I have a huge collection of card games I made myself.
They have a bunch of rules that I don’t even remember because I never wrote them down at the time.
If you could give me some of the major characters from the series then maybe I could figure out a way to turn it into a card game, it just depends on what kind of card game you want it to be.
Sup guys.
I was wanting a game similar to magic the Gathering where it’s mostly deck building and you can play cards on the field to battle other players. Instead of trying to kill the player like in MTG, you basically just kill all of their creatures. So they start with one or so right off the bat that are unable to attack, but could potentially block other starting characters so there’ll be a graceperiod before the actual battle starts.
But let’s say you have an SCU facility guard versus a Foremaker. The SCU is basically just a human guard and the Foremaker could just kill him with the snap of a finger since they are (supposedly) guardians of the known worlds. (Depending on the Foremaker)
Plus there’s creatures even more powerful than that. So finding a way to be able to play them fairly and them be so much more powerful is confusing. I thought of having some sort of rift system so you gradually unlock higher powered cards based on what turn it is. Or I could have a mana system like MTG where you play farm cards that create an income to play other cards.
So I kind of gave up since I couldn’t figure out a unique play style and make it work.
Looks pretty good. I might suggest bringing the legs closer together, but other than that, it’s solid. Perfect colors too.
Nope, good. Also is that the Crack Caliber Laser Blazer Broadsword I see?
I think it’s Hot Rod’s standard gun. My G1 figure has two of them.
No, It’s his gun he came packaged with for his toy.
Could you please play test the game?
The game is a pretty good start. Characters are looking great. One thing I would recommend is maybe darkening the backdrop or at least a wall a but so it’s not so bright and also make sure everything is the same pixel size cause some of the background objects were larger.
But I can’t wait to see what you have in store for it.
hey @ManiacPumpkin check out this fps ive been working on
I agree but I weirdly thought that the absolutely huge pixel size difference helped the characters stand out more, and it also might be okay because the mixels are on separate layers like game and background.
I have some questions,
Would there be 2 sides specific to only be getting one type of card?
Like a monster and human side and the Monster Team of players can only have monster cards and the Human Team of players can only have human cards.
If it isn’t, then would that mean you could have both monsters and humans on your team? Like the Ceramic Skull and some random human on the same team?
Would the cards with characters have health?
If the cards with characters have health and monsters and humans could be on the same team then maybe the downside to having an overpowered monster is that everytime it’s used then it damages the human characters therefore making you lose more creatures/character cards and you could lose the game.
does anyone want to check out me fps?
Yeah I did, it’s really good so far!
My class is doing a project where we make a app to help a mental health, so far my app is absolutely DIABOLICAL, hehehe, when you first sign up it will have you fill out a form, it will ask you "do you have a mental illness? if so witch one?
from there, once you fill the form its normal, no adds or nothing, just normal, but it will ask you to buy premium, but heres the thing, every week my app slowly gets more and more adds in it, and more notifications , add more premium adds, if after 5 weeks you dont buy the subscrition, thats where the real fun begains, cause after 5 weeks more and more features are hidden, it will begain spamming notification on you phone, so you open it and see “your worthless, there is no hope, please donate, gie up, buy premium” and if you enter the app after seeing said notifications you will see a new button to turn notifications off, execpt once you hit, you will see a new notification messge, disguised as a text message,
so you remember that form from eariler? well depending on what you clicked it will deliver a specalized notification (diguised as a text message) designed to hurt you, for example,
if you said you had deppression, and said you had a mom you would get a notification diguised as a text from your mom saying “Son/daugher, your are a DISSOPOINTMENT, you are a FAILURE, and you should GIVE UP!!!”
if you said you had scizophrenia then you would get a notification disguised as a text message from the fbi saying “you will be eliminated i 5 days”
if you said you had sleep paralysis and that you had a dad then you would get a notification disguised as a text message from your dad saying “son/daughter, this morning i put the cure for sleep paralysis into your breakfest, son you can finaly go to sleep now”
etc, etc, but the real fun part is after the fake text message you will over the course of a week receive more and more adds for weapons, and ■■■■, and it all will be funded by the goverment to help with population controll, plus it will mess you your youtube/tiktok feed to show ou sad stuff, and it will all happen so slowly they wont even notice, and the only way to make it stop is to buy premium! and the name of the app is MENTAL MONEY! AHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHA