The Northern Firebreather ---(Fireball)--- By Cactus Studios Games

It’s probably a bug, I don’t know

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Patch Note 4:

-You can now change the Firebreather’s color, using the egg selection that opens when you start a new game, and it will save when you quit the game
-With the help of Baron Wasteland, I improved all the animations and completely remade the walking.
-The flying is also way smoother than it was before.

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Patch Note 5:

-You can’t change your dragon’s color anymore, since it was breaking the planned storyline

-(WIP) I am working on beacons, explained here: you will respawn at the position you were when leaving the game when reopening it, but will respawn at the last activated beacon when you will die.

-There is now a “New Game” and a “Continue” button in the menu, New Game wiping the saves and continue loading them (when there are gonna be saves)

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I’m confused. Is there an actual game here?

When I develop games, I start by making the physics before I do the story and the finishing, so I’m posting my progress.


Patch Note 6:
-The Beacons and the New Game/Continue buttons now work. It saves your positions, and the New Game restarts it sucessfully
-There is a gradient black screen when entering the game world
-I improved the Y movement to make it less variable.


Yayyy there’s more game!!

One thing it needs, tho...

Potato :upside_down_face:

Maybe to heal, idk, we’ll see, maybe as an easter egg

Aww man you can’t flambe people anymore

It just does this one thing where it looks like it’s puking up a hairball, lol.

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Oh, it’s the firebreathing animation, but it’s not breathing anything yet



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Lol it’s not important to you?

Nah it is, just surprised I’ve commented alot

but honestly I wouldnt mind if its not

oh ok lol ¯_(ツ)_/¯ If u say so

I like your cactus :upside_down_face:


Patch Note 7:
I did a lot of spritemaking, the trees are not placed but you can see their sprites and the mountains’



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