The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

Thank you for forgiving me

No it was wrong for me to overestimate your game well i guess i will start reading


With the new update here, I plan on adding achievements that can be acquired from either finding secret areas and unlocking lore, or by completing the endings.

Also I just realize that having indie means I can upload custom sound. So now I have really cool dialogue for the intercom when the breach happens.
I didn’t work on a whole lot today except working on the map some and just playing around with audio settings on audacity, but it’s coming along nicely.


Nice so wait we could do that if we have indie?


Yeah, if you have audio files such as mp3, you can upload them on the sound behavior.


who’s voice though?
@ManiacPumpkin voice reveal!??!!??!?!

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Text to Speech probably.


I was actually thinking of using my own voice for it, but I found a text to speech that sounds almost human, so I’ve been using that. Then I distort it to sound like an intercom.
Like I explained to Abstract, I was supposed to pay monthly to use premium voices on this website, but I’m able to record outputted audio on my computer (for Minecraft videos) so I just recorded it.


Cool! What if one of the voices was Quandale Dingle? He’d still talk seriously in the game’s lore but he would just sound like Quandale Dingle for the memes.


I don’t think I can find a voice like that, and I really don’t want to include any memes in the game.


Like I said, this would be a meme reference and Quandale would be making no jokes. Although I understand the absolute unacceptance of memes in this case, I must say that the Quandale Dingle voice is just a funny reference/easter egg that only memers and meme enthusiasts would know. The game would retain its serious demeanor, but have a voice in it that’s known for funny things.


I’m starting I think that I’ll be up pushing the release date if the demo about a week or two because I haven’t had much time to work on hardly anything, but I’ll definitely try my best to get it done by the preferred date. No guarantees though.


Understandable, have a great day/game development and take your time.


Due to the heavy burden of summer school and also working a job, I haven’t been able to work on the game as much as I would have liked to. So the demo was supposed to be released in a couple days, but because of my current situation, I’ll have to postpone its arrival about a week or two. Of course I’ll give the release date on about a week in advance, but with everything going on, it’s hard to get anything done.


Completely understandable, have a great school, job, life, and game development.


I just wanted to explain something real quick. There’s an audio queue that says 10-A’s will storm the facility. That is short for Subject: 10-A which are cybernetic enhanced ai units that were run through Subject: 010 to gain abnormal abilities and are used to server the foundation. Subject: 010-B are human subjects.

I’ve had the idea of writing a novel about one agent who volunteered for the Subject: 010 project and gained a power that made him one of the most powerful entities record. Although the foundation and himself was completely unaware, but he was used by the foundation to combat different entities, but once they found him to show signs of anomalous strength, they issued a termination on the agent. Who was able to easily escape, but suffered a serious concussion in the process (probably shot, but has regenerative abilities) and has dementia. He started living a normal life as a new person, unaware he has powers and hunted by the foundation.

But he started realizing something isn’t right when he constantly dreams of a fracture or gateway. Since he is somewhat connected to it by Subject: 010, from where he gained his powers.

Of course he is soon on the run avoiding the Scepter Foundation and Orion, the hunter.

Not for sure on this, but I think it would be a great side story that explains more on the Subject: 010 project and the dark desire of the foundation.


Epic-sounding lore, would love to see.


yES Please.
can we get this published?!?


If I get around to writing it, I might find a way to publish it. If not, I’ll start it as an e-book since publishing it as a hard copy will cost a lot of money at first. Plus no one really reads a lot these days.


I love reading books


I would read it