The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

Google docs has an automatic grammar check, but sometimes it’s not very accurate, like I don’t think it corrects punctuation half the time.

I would use Word, but I have to pay monthly for microsoft office to even get it. I had some issues trying to obtain it and so I just stuck with google docs. I used to use Word most of the time, but docs had been more efficient to use since I can work offline and online on any device I choose. I know I had it for free during school, but for some reason I had to pay for it on my home computer. My uncle pirated a 2007 copy on my old windows laptop, but that device was basically a bomb. I think my PC got a 1-year free trial of microsoft office, but I didn’t want to rely heavily on using it and then have to pay monthly just to even have access to my stuff.

Also, I’m sure word would incorrectly detect all of the custom names I used as misspellings as well, so I can’t really help with that. I forgot which it was, but one of them let you create your own dictionary of custom words so it wouldn’t try to correct every one of them you use.


I didn’t realize this, but I found this kind of funny.
At one point in the series, Orion is the only person to have authority over 3 Foremakers on the same mission.

One being Justin Hawk, another human Foremaker which I won’t spoil, and Insikus, although Insikus is a sword, Hawk ends up becoming his user so he follows Justin everywhere once he is found. Since he’s only follows Hawk, Orion technically has authority over him, but Insikus is super stubborn and ignorant and only takes orders from Hawk.
Plus he goes around and insults everyone he comes across, including enemies so he makes negotiating very difficult.


Reminds me of this one character I made up which was an Alien Tapioca Pearl named Boba that was very violent and despised everyone.


I thought it would be funny to have a mean character that’s only respectful to a handful of people, but annoys everyone else in the group.
Justin Hawk and the squad approach an evil Foremaker and try to make peace negotiations with them to avoid more bloodshed and Insikus straight up insults the dude for no reason.

At some point, they will have to meet with the Foremaker of Life to negotiate a plan against Xactepticus. Since the Foremaker of Life has a superiority complex, they think they’re better than Cabenus and see him as weak for needing their help. While Insikus attempts to threaten the Foremaker for no reason, completely ruining the negotiations.

This probably won’t happen until Magnus Falling or later, but I just find the idea of a comical and annoying character to fit really well. Plus Insikus is a literal sword that can easily kill any Foremaker, but he has to be wielded by a user to do so.


While listening to music on the way home after a grocery trip, I had a pretty good idea including Subject: 10-A-049.

49 was a robot during the Wystan program that didn’t get a power himself, but was just a sentient droid that took education by observing his surroundings. Seeing how humans had to armor themselves to protect their skin, he took the opportunity to create Subject: AB, which was a cyborg from both a human corpse and machine from Subject: 010. The monstrosity was able to kill another 10-A, but Soundboard was able to terminate the being.

49 eventually escaped Site: 006 during the termination order with a small group of infected 10-A which followed 49. Long story short, he eventually becomes a Foremaker with the help of the Foremaker of War and takes control of the Omnikrov Installation, or at least becomes one of the head executives.
He becomes the Foremaker of Technology, and later inherits the Foremaker of War and is now the Foremaker of Mechanical War. Although, how can a robot obtain a Foremaker ability when it can only be obtained by a living or biological being.

I thought of this concept. He’s actually a Perfectionists, or not one physically, but somehow gained a virus and got the memory of one.

Since the Perfectionists can’t procreate like most species, they are only created initially. Some want to achieve immortality, almost like the Prometheans in Halo, so some of them upload their consciousness to a digital server. Somehow, one of them managed to get to Earth like that. Maybe the virus was on the very ship that Subject: 009 was on and crash landed, causing the server to malfunction. 49 could have stumbled upon it at some point and ended up downloaded the consciousness of a Perfectionists.

He will then have split personalities where his own mind is against the new parasite, but since they both share common goals, it’s symbiotic.
Since the Perfectionists was damaged when the ship crashed, it didn’t have the exact same goals as a true Perfectionists, but since shared a mind with 49, instead of a perfect start over the known worlds, they wanted to just remove life altogether and create a utopia with machine.
Sadly, this never can fully work, since Cabenus and other Foremakers also exist and they can’t be killed so easily, so they work in secret to eventually kill everything, at one point, 49 has conflict with himself since this Perfectionist was from a biological origin.
He gets so powerful, that he will be able to control any electrical device across the entire known worlds, trying to hunt down any known threat. Maybe if I get to the third or fourth book, this will end up happening. Which means he can control the Architects without a key, the star titans, the current existing 10-As, and even machines beyond the known worlds.

He’ll eventually be killed, but not before summoning something that should have been long dead.
An interesting concept and would make great content for future stories.


Just letting everyone know for the few people that still check this discussion.

My friend and I was collaborating on a story idea based around a character he had created. So, there may be an entirely new book series based on a second character aside from New Caben and such. While the series with Justin Hawk is the main plot on the death of Eldern, the series my friend is suggesting, will relate more on the history of Mordil and the Guardians. In the time, way before the Cordiks. Plus it also explains the history of the Perfectionists a bit as well.

With the expansive World Building constantly evolving, it’s getting more enjoyable, but also more difficult to keep track of. Although, I find it better to polish up as many details as I can so that way if I add references or future events, it’s easy to derive it from the series’ timeline.


I was thinking of an interesting idea for the story.

I was watching gameplay of Fnaf: Help Wanted 2, and I remember the lore that Candy Cadet would speak about using children stories.

I thought of something similar, telling a story that sounds like a children’s story, but it references to a larger part of the story. That way I can add secret lore to the history way before presence day.

I have an idea that explains a bit on the Cordiks and the Mordil Guardians, but I’m not sure if I’ll release the short story in sections, so at the end of each book, it’ll have a random narrator telling the story or something.

I have to get back to work, but if anyone would be interested in hearing out the short story so far, let me know. It’s not much and simply just a concept, but it references quite a bit. Plus all of those who do theories and search for lore, you could try to figure it out.


The cards are giving me earthbound vibes


Wait 23 days later…


Back in elementary school,
There was a kid we knew, we considered him cool.
And when his eyes turned red, the principal said
He was gonna go mad from the things in his head.
23 days later somebody told us there was no more school,
And the principal sold us to the ice cream shop down the street,
Where it seemed there was nothing they’d let us eat, so we screamed.

Just because I haven’t posted, doesn’t mean this is a new otc. I’ve just been busy so I haven’t been able to post much on here, but the book series is still coming along, but the game is still on hold from 3 years ago.


Let me tell you of a story about a boy and the forest, a very dark forest.

The boy lived in a village where they sought to expand the farmland on the soil they had. At the edge of the plains was a dark forest.

One day, figures masked in ceramic steel had came from the forest and attacked some of the villagers. Out of fear, the boy was forced into the forest. He hoped to find others that could help. A strange man who hid in the shadows had approached him in the forest. He explained that there are dangerous creatures and beings in the forest, but the boy ignored his warning.

He was chased through the forest by creatures of darkness until he found himself in an open field. A great kingdom had stood in the center with a large wall surrounding it. The kid entered the gateway and shouted for help. The king of the village had emerged and asked the boy to show him where the danger was. The kid went back into the forest with the king, but no monsters attacked at them.

The boy eventually found his way back and presented the king to his village which was mostly in ruin.

The king, claimed his name to be Fud had overlooked the village. “The work of a tinkerer.“


I think I’ve already leaked this dudes name, but I’ll let you guess who it is, or what he’s apart of.

The only clue I’m going to give is that he travels in a group of more than 1.

This guy is taking quite a bit to get each piece figured out and he does transform into something else but a robot (not a car).


It’s like 3am for me and I also have church in 6 hours, but who needs sleep anyway.

I got some more progress done on the model and it’s starting to turn out really good. I fidgeted around with some random details until I got the current design for the legs, and upper torso. The midsection and arms still need some work, and I also have to find a use for the back, since I wasn’t sure if I wanted to add a large smoke stack, fold up panels, or what yet.

If I get the chance tomorrow, I’ll show what his alternate mode will look like. I have to draw each piece individually since I plan to 3D print the model, and I have to manually copy and click the pieces together in the software just to rearrange it into the completed figure. The alt mode has some strange angles for the legs and since I updated the legs entirely, it’ll take some finesse to set up correctly.


Just a suggestion, but I really like adding really exaggerated features or base it off some sort of animal, it gives so much more character to a mech than just “looking cool” (it does look cool btw)


It’s actually one of the components for Legion, which is composed of 6 different 10-As who combine into an even larger robot.

Also in my book, they were mostly described as standard bulky robots that possessed abilities that harness different elements of nature. This particular character can rise the temperature and burn stuff drastically. So I wanted to give the idea of a fantasy steampunk design that is also a furnace. Which is why the face and chest are grated and there’s smoke stacks on his shoulders.

I thought of giving him clothes and an outfit and monocle to present the idea of a vintage concept, but I already have the Clockmaker who’s an automaton dressed in a suit and monocle. (Who’s also already in the game), but I decided against it since technically it would burn off anyway and would be in the way when combining.

Also the reason for the blocky and simplistic design was because I plan to 3D print him. Using a 3D PLA printer, you can’t just print anything you want, you have to format it so it prints flat with as much surface area touching the base as possible to avoid a failed print (popping off the plate during printing).

If I had a resin printer, I would go crazy with some wicked designs since it actually prints upside down and uses resin to cure and make very detailed prints, you aren’t as limited, but a 3D printer is more for larger scale or usable items.

And I’m still learning 3D modeling a bit and the software I’m using isn’t the greatest, but it was the only one I’m somewhat used to using since Highschool.


Plus I want to paint him up when it’s printed so have a brass colored torso and charred stained metal for his limbs and everything else. Plus I have some glow in the dark paint I wanted to mix up and use to give a glowing effect for the furnace.


Oh, I think I know it. That’s Shockwave (or Shackwave), right?
edit: NVM, read some later posts :moyai:

I kinda forgot but does “Material” still exist? The name was kind of weird but I liked the concept I made for it and it’s super cool. I might add it to my sketchbook Bestiary later today.


Yeah, he’s still in the game. He’s actually one of the better mechanics I added. Creating a quick time event whenever a player is snared by him.

Also, I plan to maybe add him in my second book, Magnus Falling, at some point.


Cool, I just added him to my Bestiary a few minutes ago.