The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

Woah really?! That looks great. I wish we could see it on graceful theme, too :frowning:


@ManiacPumpkin you could change it to a color like blue so any one can see it. Plus it matches both dark and graceful themes as well as your game/story’s since they have to do with labs.


I do plan on adding a dark background to it so light mode users can see it as well. Not sure when I’ll add it, but maybe later today when I get the chance.


still the idea of a fnaf style facility game is still up there?
Also New Name Idea for the facility:The Breach at the Scepter Facility

OH COME ON, not even trying to hide the SB part of the name dude

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weellll,It either that or the outbreak at the scepter foundaiton and that sounds like covid so no,we cant do that.

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:man_shrugging: Idk then but maybe like

“Something” At Scepter Foundation

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well,It HAS to have “facility” in it so it keeps the magic alive.

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Grammarly: Foundation
Autocorrect: Foundation
Me: Foundation
Intelligent People: Foundation
DWGAMEMASTER: Foundaiton Keeps the magic ALIVE
(I do not mean to offend you in any way, its just the s p e l l i n g)
Oh you changed it

The Scepter Foundation Incident


The Scepter facility.
Just the scepter facilaty

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That contains breach


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Politicial Debate

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facility keeps the magic.


facility:It Keeps THE LEGACY

uuhhhhhh…so their both bad?

If I have any more games, they are most likely gonna be called Incident: (and then a bunch of random numbers here)

Each number will refer to the subject that caused the incident and the amount of times it has happen, such as Incident: 003-1 being an incident regarding Subject: 003 and the first time it has happen over that specific entity.