The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

The current most powerful and documented entity is Justin Hawk. A former member of the SCU and was illegally apart of the Wystan Trials.

He had the abnormal ability to warp reality and bend light. He also has the power of that of a star and of a blackhole. He can also control anything that is within light and in darkness.

With the light abilities, he can most objects using light photons and can heat objects up by moving the photons over the desired object, which can make stuff over 10,000 degrees (that has been recorded). Since he can bend light particles, he can easily create illusions and allow himself to be completely invisible.

The darkness abilities allows him to create pocket sized black holes that can vacuum anything within a vicinity and allow objects to vaporize into condensed atoms at ease. He also can make himself a walking shadow where solid objects pass right through him. Also, he can move faster than light when within range of shadows, giving him almost the ability to teleport.
As a shadow, Hawk can pass through soldi objects including walls as well.

Although Justin Hawk is merely a trained SCU soldier on the outside, but once his ability has been activated, no Foundation personnel or entity can stop him.

He also has had few encounters with Orion and the Magician and survived all attempts.

Since the power enhanced Hawk’s body to be much more stronger than the average human, but the light and darkness abilities are too much for a single human to possess and using them for long durations can cause major damage to Justin causing decay of his physical self and on rare occasions, organ failure.

Although the darkness ability allows himself to regenerate when as a shadow. Since his physical form splits into atoms and almost becomes a gaseous state. He can give himself a new physical form once a shadow, so he doesn’t stay injured for long.

I’m sure I posted something over this before, but it’s a recap.


We stop the anomalies from unleashing!

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The anomalies are entering our world from a rift that was created by an existing entity. (Technically the most powerful one, but is very unknown on abilities) where a radiational energy is being emitted causing some objects and organisms to experience abnormal behaviors, abilities, and physical forms.

The Dr. Mack theory is technically correct. Where the rift is a tear between worlds where creatures of other universes are able to travel through and possess our world.

Currently, the Foundation has yet to actually find the rift and even if they did, there would be no way of closing it.


So if you replace my theory of traveling in a spaceship with moving through a spacial rift I’m kind of correct… slightly… maybe…


Greetings. I have to say, I am not up to date with the current lure of your game, do you have a simple explanation of it? I’d love to hear it.


I don’t exactly have a simple explanation, but I have quite a bit summary saved on a google doc somewhere. It’ll be a sec.




Since I’m about to go to work, I won’t be able to post it on here in a bit. I’ll try to later tonight or tomorrow.


Ok, totally fine.


Better take a seat, it’s a bit of a tale…

So, the scepter foundation was originally founded in 1924 by Dr. [Redacted] and his best friend, and colleague, Herrick Lawrence.

Site: 001 was soon constructed.
(I actually just realized how did they get the money since they weren’t exactly the richest people in the US.)

Anyway, the due made a proposal to the US government at the time while showing extensive research on what appears to be a strange energy signature. Ever since strange anomalous creatures began threatening normal life, they studied these creatures from afar and noticed some were severely dangerous to be alone.

After the idea of the Scepter Foundation to contain, study, and prevent anomalies from expanding into our world.
The government soon saw the facts after some members witnessed entities and soon they got all the funding needed to start the facilities.

Site: 001 was constructed a year later and began containing entities that didn’t fit in with laws of physics.

Site: 005 was constructed in 1976 to help store data and study the existence of these entities.

Years went on and after many facilities have been constructed, Site: 012 was soon built in 1984. It is was the biggest facility at the time, (Site: 019 being the largest currently) and it was made to contain entities that seemed far more dangerous than most. It kept expanding and soon became the official largest in 1997.

Herrick Lawrence died and passed on the legacy to his grandson, Johnathon Lawrence. The first overseer of the new foundation. He soon elected others, Earl Wystan and Walter William, to help govern the mass facilities.

In 2009, Jessica Kaelea was elected among the overseers to administrate the Research Division and Archive of site: 005.

Around the year, 2011, Earl Wystan came in possession of Subject: 010, a device that can harness the rift and give abnormal properties to both organic beings and inanimate objects. He initiated the Wystan Trials which allowed human subjects of the SCU (Scepter Containment Units) to volunteer for the program.

Many gained abnormal abilities and they were used as war titans to fight amongst entities and foreign affairs. The foundation also participate in wars caused by the government to increase funding for further research on weapons against entities.

Justin Hawk, a former SCU lieutenant volunteered for the program and gained an ability that soon made him the most powerful entity documented. Although he was to be terminated because Wystan feared he was too powerful and the other Overseers would notice his schemes behind their backs. Hawk easy escaped, but suffered a major concussion during the combat and now lives his life with dementia in the civilian world.
(Which branches into another story how he tries to survive the foundation and the warriors of New Caben, which I’ll explain later)

Subject: 010-A’s were human volunteers for Subject: 010 and 010-B’s were mechanical vessels that were given abnormal abilities. This became a more important advancement since the drones can be easily controlled and gave the foundation a great advantage.

Soon the Overseers found out about the Program and initiated a termination of all SCU members and personnel who participated in the program. They even used the 010-B’s to hunt them down later on. Including Wystan.

A year later the Site: 006 incident occurred where a powerful entity emerged from Site: 006, where Wystan Administrated. The entity was never documented and didn’t appear to break into the facility, but fled from it. It completely devastated the facility.

This was a devastating loss for the foundation and it suffered greatly since Site: 006 was a major holding facility for the foundation.

On Aug. 5th, 2016, the Site: 012 incident occurred. (My current game). There was no cause of why it happened, but it’s suspected to be Subject: 000 within the facility. Although this was as devastating as Site: 006, it still proved quite a lot of flaws in the foundations holding system and how they were unprepared for a full on breach.

In 2017, an anti group named “Other ones” were a religious like cult that somehow managed to harness the rifts energy without the use of a machine. A lot of them usually die or suffer from health issues. Some lived and became a strong threat with a soul purpose to release the entities being contained.

Months later they started the Site: 013 incident where they stormed a facility, burning strange insignias into the helmets of the SCU guards and evacuated many entities. They even gained an item called the Infinity Dial, which allows the users to view the future and can be dangerous in the hands of enemies. They still intercept transport convoys.

What I’m currently working on is the arrival of Magnus.

Subject: 003-A is called Titanius, a super mech that is around 6 kilometers tall and wanders about the ocean. Although it appears to have been on earth for millions of years even though the rift has only been open as early as 1906. Right before the First World War.

This giant isn’t the only one and there have been many others. Ironeus was found deceased on Mars, Mechanum and Collosus have been reported as well. Celestius is a planet giant that apparently was killed by something way more powerful than we can even imagine. His head alone is as large as earth and appeared to have four arms, but it’s missing both right arms and everything else below the waist, like it was ripped apart.

This entity is located trillions of light years away from earth.

The foundation managed to intercept a strange message that had no origin. (Quote up above somewhere)

Since humans were classified as a dangerous race, this being feared that we would find the rift and use it to manage war against other worlds. Titanius was sent to monitor Earth and vaporize it into a star is seen fit. Apparently the human race was subject to vaporize years ago, but Titanius was claimed to have failed his mission. On Oct. 25th, 2021, Magnus had reached orbit and landed into the Atlantic Ocean. This titan was more advanced than Titanius and is approximately 8 kilometers tall. Magnus was sent to finish what Titanius failed.

While Magnus laid dormant, to recover from atmospheric entry, Titanius is currently heading in his direction.


That’s a mere summary I rewrote from the timeline I currently made. I realized there’s a ton of stuff still missing that I forgot to note down, but that’s the basic rough outline at the moment.

Sorry it’s a straight up novel, but I couldn’t have explained it much simpler.

That doesn’t even begin to explain the one behind everything.


This is an outstanding story, this should definitely be a book series. I believe this would make for an amazing game when it is completed.


Well, the story is a bit too large to be put into a single game. The game I’m working on is only based around the Site: 012 Incident and it’s large enough as is.

I’m not for sure if this all will be a game series, but I do eventually plan on creating a novel series about it. Including short stories about each entities encounter.


Ohhhh, ok. Well, you should consider it, if your planning on becoming a game developer, this would make an awesome series.

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I really want to learn a 3D software like unity or unreal engine and hopefully make these games First Person which would make it even scarier since you feel like you are actually in the game.

Maybe even VR?

I have tons of ideas, but sadly life has been too heavy on me recently so I have found time to really do things I want to.


I am very sorry about that, I pray you find balance in your life soon. But yes, this would make a great 3D horror game.

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this is so good. you could literally make an amazing ARG/ story


now this would be amazing. i would definitely buy this

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Bro you could legit publish this as official paperback/hardcover books. You would have enough content to keep the publishers happy, so you wouldn’t necessarily risk compromising the story in order to sell more books because the story is already more than long enough it seems.


I have many stories already written, but I’m still not exactly satisfied with my current writing style. I’m still progressing on that.

So far I have:
Subject: 003 Incident
Subject: 009 Incident

Wystan Trials

And an old series called 49. Apparently it was apart of the Scepter Foundation and I wrote it years ago. So I have yet to add that in there.

Other than the Incident Stories, the rest are unfinished besides the 4 different 49.exe stories I kept remaking, lol. One is like 150 pages long.