The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

Alright, I think I got the image fixed so it should appear for both grace and dark mode users. Sorry it took a while, I’ve been very busy over the weekend so I haven’t had much time to do a whole lot. I will maybe post a new document over Subject: 002 sometime tomorrow when I get the chance.

Also I’m gonna start posting the documents back in order starting from Subject: 001 since there was quite a chat that kinda displaced the original a little bit back. Also so any grace users can let me know if the new logo appears for them as well.


The Scepter Foundation Site: 005 Archive™

Name: The Suffering Man
Entity Number: Subject: 001
Object Class: Safe
Clearance Level: Level 1
File by: [Redacted]

Subject: 001 is a white caucasian male. Usually dressed or found wearing an old medic military uniform from the Vietnam war, despite his age of being approximately 32 years of age. Although he claims to have fought in the war, this entity isn’t known for having any time traveling abilities so this could have been the cause of his immortality. Although he is known for having been a U.S. medic, staff sergeant (E-6), in the vietnam war around 1963. Although any other information is unknown for Subject: 001 denies to speak of his past.

Subject: 001 has immortality, but constantly weeps at the flashbacks of events that he avoids speaking of. Other than immortality, he has the ability to swap health positions between himself and his patient. On Subject: 001 Test-13 an injured field agent, [Redacted], was brought upon Subject: 001, suffering from an inflicted gun wound. Subject: 001 laid his hand on the wound and suddenly the wound was gone and the agent was in perfect condition. Although Subject: 001 suddenly started to bleed profusely through the chest cavity which was a bullet hole. In the exact same position where the field agent had it originally. Subject: 001 is known for having an abnormally high pain tolerance than most living beings.

Although he still is in pain even when no wound has been placed upon him. The Foundation believes that he still suffers from previous wounds, even though there is no physical scarring. Since Subject: 001 still suffers from wounds he obtained even after they healed, he should have died almost immediately from the pain, but he never seems to die from any wound or even get weaker.

Subject: 001 has been through numerous testing, mainly healing field staff or front line soldiers in the U.S. army. Although Subject: 001 may swap health positions, he can’t inflict pain or damage onto other patients or entities, but there is a limit to how much injuries he can take. Usually when he reaches capacity he curls up in a ball and weeps from the pain and usually is immobile for a few hours or up to weeks, depending on how severe the injuries, he obtained, were. Although he cannot regenerate lost limbs of his patients and if a corpse is presented, he seems as if it’s an inanimate object. Since Subject: 001 is in constant distress, any victim within sound range for a period of time tends to be tested for depression and some even had suicidal thoughts, but no one currently has died due to this effect.

Although many staff wanted to terminate Subject: 001 for he is in constant suffering. Many tests have been created to end Subject: 001’s life, but all have failed, surprisingly none have ever affected him at all. Which leads to believe that Subject: 001 can only receive harm of his own free will and that his pain was caused by his own doing.

Since Subject: 001 poses no threat to any entity in his presence, he is put in a basic square containment cell, monitored by level 1 clearance staff. Although usually transported to a level 3 containment chamber for testing.


Wait so technically in a short way this suffering guy, suffers from things he suffered in the past? Sad. I hope suffering guy stops suffering :P


Oh and he causes people depression???


Yeah, but he also has the ability to take pain and injuries from others, but can still feel them eternally. Some Foundation Personnel want to put him out of misery from the amount of pain the Subject expresses, but the Foundation won’t authorize it for if it goes wrong, it could make Subject: 001 in greater pain, or will exterminate him and all research and some sort of cure to such pain will be a lost cause.


Oh ok.


Yeah, with the amount of pain Subject: 001 usually is in, the personnel around him start to have a feeling of depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts from the grief that surrounds Subject: 001.


So that means it counts other subjects right?

(Sorry for the many questions)


That is a pretty good question.

Although there have been many tests ran on Subject: 001, he’s a safe class entity so he’s kept in a sector of Site: 012 where only safe class entities and other low authorization areas are at. Subject: 001 is pretty much farther away from all entities other than safe class, but the only other safe class entity I have currently is Subject: 007 which is a table and doesn’t express emotion, lol. So technically the table can’t be depressed so the idea of Subject: 001 affecting other entities mentally is still a mystery since the Foundation does not yet know how both Subject: 001 and the other entity will interact.


Cool, I have all my questions of 001 answered. Thank you.


I will definitely post a new document over Subject: 002 sometime tomorrow which is the playable character in my flowjam game, Flee. I’ll work out some minor details and then add it over.


The Scepter Foundation Site: 005 Archive™

Name: The Starving Mass
Entity Number: Subject: 002
Object Class: Dangerous
Clearance Level: Level 3
File by: [Redacted]

Subject: 002 is a gelatin mass, composed of a flesh-like material composed of carbon and quite similar to that of human muscle tissue. This creature was originally found and reported in Barley Barber Swamp, Florida. Although size or exact mass is unknown since its mass and shape always changes depending on current situations or decreased/increased feeding habits.

Subject: 002’s consumption includes almost any organic material such as plants, animals, bacteria, etc. It doesn’t seem to hate or dislike other organic life forms, but when in a frightened or panicked emotional state it will attempt to consume enough organic matter to gain size depending on what situation it is in. It seems to be well sentient and has increased awareness of its surroundings even though it has no physical or visable senses of its environment.

Any heated or sharp weapons used against Subject: 002 will result in a low screeching noise. It takes damage to sharp objects such as knives and any sort of heat above 45 degrees celsius. Although knife wounds are easily voidable since they heal at a decent rate, heat tends to weaken and sometimes permanently damage certain masses of flesh, forcing Subject: 002 to go into a stage of losing mass on command.

Subject: 002 only has been in testing 4 times, since when it feels threatened, it attacks personnel and consumes them. This entity has not yet been tested or interacted with other entities of Site: 012. The testing has been done within its cell since safely transporting Subject: 002 to a cell specifically for testing proves quite a challenge, since Subject: 002 can slip through small cracks because of its gelatinous composure and can multiply or switch its mental state between different chunks of mass. So it Subject: 002 were to split into multiple peices, it can switch its mental form to another piece other than the mass it currently controls.

The testing was just interacting and seeing what seems to damage Subject: 002 such as fire, knives, and gun wounds, but no further testing has been conducted as of [Redacted], 2022.

Subject: 002 is to be contained in a fiberglass container approximately 10 by 10 meters and 9 meters tall. Such a sized container is for studying its growth habits and a second containment cell is constructed alongside the first in case Subject: 002’s size were to mysteriously grow and not be controlled.

The wall separating the two cells is mounted on two large blast doors that can be opened when level 3 personnel or the Foundation authorize it. The first containment cell has a weighted plate under the floor and when Subject: 002 gains too much mass or starts to fill the room from its growth, it will also open the blast doors into a much larger room.

The Second Containment cell is 50 by 50 meters and is currently not in use since Subject: 002 has never gained mass over the weight of 1814.37 kilograms or 2 US tons of mass at a time.

Oh i have a question about 002 and its game… How did its other pieces end up around the facility???

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Technically when I made Flee, I wasn’t for sure of all of the details so technically it was kind of a flaw. I made the game before I made the document, which I just finalized a little bit ago.

So the game isn’t accurate to what Subject: 002 really is, but it was the only way to make the game fit the theme.

Anyway Flee explains how the bits of mass around the Facility were pieces of Subject: 002 as he tried escaping many times before, each piece was a failed attempt. But as you may have noticed, it’s not very accurate and Subject: 002 can switch his mentality to other pieces of mass that broke or split from him so the game itself isn’t very accurate, but oh well, lol.

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So it is just slime. A slime trying to escape jail but instead lost a piece of itself. Cool.

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That’s how the original game went, but it’s a little more complicated in the actual lore.

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I like the ending,he escapes but to the wild where no humans will see him,so its a win-win.

Question: Is this the hole where that guard got pulled in near the end of the demo???


No, that’s just Subject: 009’s ability since he can melt through most materials and metals.


The guards should have more IQ and make the walls near 009 something he can’t melt