The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

usually i just download it on the device it’s on, then post it on the forums, then go to the forums on your other device and download it from there

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cad is different since it’s a black screen with yellow lines. But when I print it, that’s when it changes to a white background with black lines. It’s kind of strange how it works.

The print preview is atrocious, so I can’t screenshot that.

My best bet it to download it as an image or pdf and email to myself. Then download it on any device.

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I can make a printed looking logo on

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I was successfully able to download a pdf of a quick cad drawing I did and here is what I have so far.

It’s just a basic outline at the moment, but I’ll incorporate it into the Subject document. These are starting to turn out pretty good.


Subject: 10-A-[Redacted]

Ruination is a large mechanical entity apart of the several 10-A series. A colossal android that is made primarily for the function of constructing and deconstructing large structures.
It’s body has the ability to serve as several vehicles and can erect structures up to several times faster than a full manned crew.
It’s legs have large treads along it’s shin like segments that allow the legs to collapse down to form a more sturdy and weighted base when working at larger heights. The torsos midsection is composed of a large scissor lift mechanism that can add up to an extra 7 meters in height. Two large cranes are mounted to Ruinations back that allow the transportation of large objects. Each crane can extend up to a max height of 40 meters.
Ruinations arms are just as similar, but can switch between a variety of tools and functions such as a large saw, scoop, claw, hook, and various others.
Ruination was strange as the entire being couldn’t have possible came from Subject: 010, as the machine was smaller than him. When he was first created during the Wystan Program, all they got in return was a defective core of the vessel. It contained all the code and a necessary body for Subject: 010 to enhance, but the vessel was broken and was unfit for further testing. Site: 006 was unsure of why and saw how Subject: 010 had killed human subjects immediately before and thought it was just a similar action on a synthetic body. They discarded the body, but removed the core to be rebuilt and used in another vessel for further testing. Somehow or another, it got accidentally misplaced on a transport carrier and the core got shipped to Site: 008 where they were constructing a new training facility for SCU recruits. When the core was discovered, they trashed it amongst the debris on the site as it was to be recycled or disposed of later. The construction team left for the night and returned the next morning to find most of the vehicles were half dissolved as the metal almost seemed split or cut on various sections of the vehicles.
Most of the new facility was already constructed with a large robot towering over the complex. Ruination. The core was still active and took control of the various materials around it to build itself a body.
Since it’s ability was some sort of reconstruction of not only itself, but also other objects as well, making it a very powerful being. Only Ruination has been classified as passive and hasn’t been tested to fight other entities or Subjects as it’s pursued it’s hobby of constructing facilities and hollowing out the Earth for underground containments.
This entire situation was never classified as an incident or ever reported to the Overseer Council as no real threat ever occurred. Although there was around 5 million dollars missing of construction equipment that had to be reported, but Ruination was never classified as a dangerous threat or problem, but a beneficial member of the Foundation.

Some personnel debate whether Ruination or Legion would win in a duel, but the abilities favor Ruination.


Odilon Chauvin, the Puppeteer.

A French doctor who left his line of work to pursue strange hobbies of collecting a variety of materials and crafting machines. He then sought to create artificial life behind clockworks.

The Foundation has kept a close eye on him after an incident occurred where a strange automatonic humanoid had killed several victims that seemed to be of random, but have all been coincidentally apart of the Site: 021 in France.

As a criminal of the Foundation, Chauvins motives were unclear, but during an encounter when several SCU managed to contain and interrogate for a short hour before one of his many creatures breached the convoy on the way to the facility.

The rest isn’t entirely inappropriate, but I feel it’s kind of graphic in details. Of course in the world of this series there’s a lot of dark and unexplained horrors and this happens to be one of the many.


He claimed he hears voices or visions of his works. Whatever parasitic entity that is attacking Chauvin has left a permanent effect as his mind is physically scarred from something in the past. Either physical or psychological damage, but there is a possibility he was being driven by something else.

Once he escaped, he became a black marketer and managed to traffic human remains and parts to various sellers in exchange for “specific subjects”.

His artificial machines started to grow more corrupted as he included more bioengineering behind his progress. Creating a computer from a human brain and other very demonic experiences.
He then successfully managed to reanimate corpses of deceased SCU guards and even managed to get ahold of a deceased 10-B, although it’s powers from Subject: 010 have yet to be translated.

The various abominations created by Chauvin started from wooden clockwork to metal automatons that manages to move and interact as separate beings. Almost like an AI, but no digital software or equipment has been seen on any of them. Some of his newer works are human cyborgs or robot vessels that run off of human brains and vital organs, somehow reanimate and keeping the victims alive, but are able to be controlled for his doings.
Site: 008 has been informed of this threat and is soon to depart a full team to investigate Chauvin and his dangerous creations. Subject: 010-A-005 (Turbine) tagging along.

Since it’s getting late, I’m gonna wrap this up pretty quick.

Subject: 10-A-005, Turbine is basically an android who is similar to Soundboard but instead of speakers, it’s basically mini jet turbines that allows him to fly around and shoot streams of pressure to fling enemies and objects. Not one of the more unique characters, but it adds to the background.


I like Turbine and Soundboard; maybe Turbine’s design could be based on Torebine.

Not likely. Torebine is just a name for a transformer concept. Turbine doesn’t transform, but is more lightweight and agile than most of the other 10-As.

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ok then i will draw idea design for fun sir

Fine with me. Are you drawing Torebine the Transformer concept for the 10-A Turbine?


Here is the new document layout. I replaced the old logos and outline with the new and improved, making this document look authentic and more realistic. A great piece of lore this one is.


No, I’m drawing the 10-A Turbine. Although some designs or details of my LEGO Torebine character may sneak in (they probably won’t).

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I was first banished beyond the realm of the Foremakers and past their cosmic territory where everything was much different than I knew, everything acted much strangely. The farther you progressed into the void, the very laws of time start to bend. There was a barrier at the end, a gateway to something else. I fear trespassing into its presence, but it holds something else back. Other variations and timelines, other worlds, it’s all unknown. Past the very known universe lies great mysteries and I fear what does lie beyond our own worlds.

So I decided to fulfill my goals. Return Eldern back into one and then I would have enough power to venture past the reaches. Into the far worlds.

After about a few thousands years of dead stars and roque moons, I came across the Har’lon kingdom, home of Dwarven nation ruled under Bitericus, The Foremaker of Stone. The convenience of such a minor successor of Eldern was sitting idly by. The kingdom was constructed in a spherical ring made up of asteroids and metals, quite a rare formation. The ring alone was larger than New Caben and housed many cooperating nations under Bitericus’ leadership or it did.
I first landed into their home with very little hospitality. They didn’t take kindly to another face and soon they didn’t have a body to approach me with.
Bitericus didn’t even bother to flee and asked me why I pursued such an act of hate, and I replied, “I’m Xactepticus, Foremaker of Chaos” before his life became mine. And my story began anew.


When Justin Hawk and [Redacted] went into the void fighting another form of Subject: 000, they were brought upon a world much later into the future. They were then not bound by time and since everything is still a linear story there was only one of their existence and not multiple variations. But they had teleported so far into the future where Subject: 000’s main form, Xactepticus, had also surpassed the void as well, making him able to travel back in time alongside them, he was no longer bound by time as well. But it took Xactepticus thousands of years of murdering other Foremakers to even pass through the Void without dissolving into nonexistent matter whereas [Redacted] with the power of Hawks ability was able to transport both of them into the future and past and it only took him a few years.

The time in this series is quite abnormal compared to standard time theory. Basically when they traveled forward in time, it can be demonstrated as more of a vision or dream than actual reality as it doesn’t effect the past where they came from. The story is described as a linear timeline where the entire world progressed for over 500 years after they had left, and after they return and gain the strength to return back, everything from the future is just reverted back to when the left. It was basically explained as a vision to show Hawk what the future would hold if he continued the current path. Which he would have been killed if he never went into the future. This will be described in Magnus Falling.

It’s complicated, but you’ll be caught up on lore once I eventually finish the book series.


I submitted both that short document and the first 13 pages of New Caben to my schools magazine. I’m slowly getting the story out there.

Here is the title of New Caben written in Cabenian.


Yes, there is so much world building in this series than is an entire alphabet and language alongside various governmental structures and nations. Probably unhealthy to fathom this much, but I enjoy doing it.


Don’t worry, I’m with you on that one lol

I have way too much lore and not enough game to put them in.


Just make more games guys
Drake Notebook GIF - Drake Notebook GIFs

Better to have a few good games than to have a lot of mediocre or bad games.


then make the games bigger! Bonus levels with bonus lore!

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