Thorough Micro Reviews! (TMR)





Feel free to review this after you finish meburningslime’s 47 games

Yeah i have more if you want

This is how I beat my conpetitor reviewers lolololol

by not reviewing your own submissions… right

Edit: Did you know a teaspoon of your mom would weigh 10 BILLION POUNDS

OOOH, nice one @ToastMaster64 :lol:

And, it was pretty amusing seeing all of that, but you probably shouldn’t do that in someone else’s discussion @meburningslime .

my family is not fat

I’m sure they are not @meburningslime . We shouldn’t be making fun of that, since that causes outbreaks on here. But seriously, try keeping that hilarious yet unnecessary (For this discussion) stuff for your discussions. I shouldn’t have continued on with that comment by @ToastMaster64 , so my apologies. I hope this clears anything up. Thanks.

I cant say anything rude or nice


Ok i can say something I forgive and I apologize.

0_0 This got interesting while I was away.
@meburningslime I would prolly refrain from doing such an absolutely unnecessarily long message in someone else’s thread
@ToastMaster64 Not cool, man

Also 100% sorry about this, but I sadly won’t be active in forums (at least not very active, I may drop in a tiny tiny bit) because of a personal situation going on. When it’ll be better is unclear right now, but I’ll be right back here once it is. I hate to do this when I just started this Review thread, but this is way more important, and I’ll be back eventually! Talk to everyone soon (hopefully)

nahh it’s fine @microgamer1 we made up.

@ToastMaster64 Nice to hear!

If so, I can just drop out.

Hey @microgamer1 , I’m commenting so this doesn’t go too far to the bottom. Good luck, and keep on reviewing… Please, it gets a bit lonely :lol:

I’ve updated the game again, but it really isn’t too much: Most of the cons in your review, added some bushes, took away wisps, etc. Maybe also some programming, and some programming was moved around to other objects, but other than that, nothing much else.

Hi @microgamer1

Here’s my newest game I cooked up for the “top-down” themed mini jam. I did all the gameplay, music and graphics (except for the seagull photos that I stole off the internet, but I photoshopped them into what I wanted). It should be playable and not terribly difficult once you get the hang of flying around.

Enjoy pooping on some cars in “Top-Down Seagull Showdown.” medium difficulty

Mediocre to extreme difficulty.

Music and sprites are not original ,_, [they’re flowlab’s music & sprite]

It’s a storyless game if you’re looking for a story .-.