Top-of-the-line reviews! (The Crigence Critique)

Thanks so much! I know it’s kind of a vague title.
There’s some more extra story stuff That i plan to add a bit later that kind of ties into the title, but to put it simply, it takes place during august, and the space station is for the most part silent, since everyone is dead.

and btw, the room that your health ticks down that you talked about is a room with no oxygen. your oxygen is the blue number in the bottom right corner, if it starts going down, you need to get out unless you have the oxygen tank, which raises that number significantly. I probably should have made that more clear in the game


Is there room for a review cuz jus in case i got one!!!

just a question -

does this mean the game should be a bit harder? I have a few ideas for more challenging platforming/combat bits written down.

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Well remember – I only got to play for a few minutes because I couldn’t get across a bridge because sprinting was busted and phasing through platforms was broken (Something I lightly mentioned in the review with the-

I only got to fight 1 enemy and it was honestly pretty easy, so that difficulty of 3 is just what iv’e seen so far. What i’m trying to say is don’t take difficulty advice from that review

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i was wondering if you could review this game by @ShadowGaming @edwardi @MelloJello @Blackhole_1001
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I forgot to give august silence an opening paragraph,

Sorry about that, here’s the games finished paragraph, I’ll admit due to it being a while since I played the game I was extra reflective during it (@rcreger’s Sol and @browngr’s H4KK3R 2 were roped into it for example) but here’s the new opening:


A little busy, but I’ll do my best to get to it tomorrow. Thanks for your submission @edwardi

when you were saying sprinting was busted, were you trying to sprint before you got the speed boots? Again, this would be my fault for not saying in the description something like “press shift to sprint (once you have the speed boots)” or something like that.

I really need to make things more clear in the game, especially the fact that backtracking and taking different paths is important for progression.

If you already had them, I really don’t know what the problem could be, That’s definitely something I should look into.

sorry for all these questions, I know you’re busy with reviews and such

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This reminds me of a certain Morrowind.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind?

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Yep. The one where you couldn’t actually run until you got those special boots.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that it reminds you of Morrowind?

It would be bad, but your game is more metroidvania, as crigence pointed out already, so you’re all good. This is because you are attacking the enemy. Now, if your game was more like Dead Space, where you are constantly being attacked, it would be a big issue.

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Ya, I can definitely see that being a problem in a huge open world game like Morrowind. When I played it, the movement felt so slow, it was a bit of a pain to get around. I was so glad for a sprint button straight from the beginning in Skyrim


Somehow, I figured with this being a Metroidvania style game that sprinting would be put on a pair of boots but for some reason I didn’t think this game in particular would have that

Yeah, that explains it. Friendly advice, but I think you should put more signs or labels in the game itself and less in the description. Your game is a little too much like Metroid, even in the bad ways, lol

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That’s definitely something i should do more.

and speaking of being similar to metroid:

i basically stole metroid’s invincible space croissants




Hey, @Crigence, I think you forgot, but I put my game up for re-review a little while back:

Just a reminder. Hope you get to it soon!

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I didn’t quite “forget”, I’ve just been busy with other projects and other games and it fell to the back of my to-do list naturally.

I’ll try to get to it after Horizon Z


Could you halt Horizon Z because there is an infinite loop in the game and no one can find it.

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Sigh, I was actually kind of excited to play the game, too.

Sure, I’ll just re-review Ace Vangaurd instead. Thanks for notifying me

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