Website update - New behavior documentation

@CrimsonBlackGames - the code was outdated on the windows build server. I triggered a rebuild of SB3, so it should be good to go now. Sorry about that.

I feel ignored. You didn’t fix the “minumum” typo :frowning:

You disappointed me grazer, I thought you appreciated my help.

I should’ve checked it out first. It’s fixed but you didn’t say anything.

Thanks for the help @Latif3 - yes I fixed it immediately :slight_smile:

@grazer I found another typo, in the spawn behavior you wrote “Spwan” in the description…

@grazer I thought it was a good idea to use a spell checker and it found the following mistakes (ctrl+F to find words):

  • In proximity: “geting”
  • In logic gate: “depnding”
  • In impulse and motor: “currect” (you copy pasted the text, so that’s why the mistake is in both behaviors)
  • In ad: “interstitia” (search "interstitia " with a space so it will be the only result, because “interstitial” contains “interstitia” too)

Thanks for that @Latif3 - if I was smart I would have done that myself :slight_smile: Anyway - all fixed now.