Who wants a free year of Indie? (LevelUP Jam)

what if indies get a different theme?
non-indies: theme 1
indies: theme 1

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Alright, so I’m thinking that will be a 10 day Jam (02/01/22-02/11/22 that’s a week with 3 off days for either a late start, halfway leisure, or additional work if necessary.
The winner would be announced on Valentine’s Day to share the love, and would be immediately able to access their prize. Of course the runner up wouldn’t just have a shirt materialize so that would be worked out privately.

The “theme” would be announced on the day and would be a brief synopsis that would include one unique requirement, and given to all participants to interpret in their own way.

I’m still holding out hope that I’ll get another judge or two from this community, let me know if interested.

IF CURRENT INDIE MEMBERS WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE: I obviously will not stop them from creating their own game, and it may even be beneficial for the other participants to potentially be inspired by those elements.
There would be no prize for premium participants, but if there are enough of them then I will award the winner an animated medal of sorts.

This is my update for the time being, let me know of your thoughts on this.
Take it easy.
(In the loop: @ManiacPumpkin @chrisdakiller @DWGAMEMASTER @JR01 @cailem02 @yournamehereonrequest.)


I can’t

bruh karen lmao


This sounds fun, even if I don’t win, a second-placed T-shirt is a good enough reason for me to want to join.


OH! Can you add me to the tagged updates list?


If I join, I’m still going to use a free account.
Competing with the same limitations as everyone is a fun challenge I think


All for it, looking forward to it!

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remembers that game JR01 made with one object

We’re DOOMED lol


Oh yeah, absolutely. We don’t even have a chance, lol


Well, you never know, I’m still going to enter.

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Idk, my flowjam game didn’t make top 10 and I’m really not good with art.


I liked your game!

I’m getting better at pixel art, I’m nowhere near Baron’s level and I’m still not that good at 32x32 size sprites.
Here’s my Pixilart page.


The pass 2 jams has mostly been me because Baron has been busy with college.


who baron? never heard of him (i think)

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Baron wasteland. He does art, mostly.

He made the art for a lot of JR01s Flowjam entries, including this, first-place winner!

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hey can i do it too i really want indie as for the fact that the game that i am making is like 6 sprites away from “no more sprites LOLOLOLOLOLOL u cant make what u wanna make now LOLOLOL”

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i need indie to enter i used all my free games…

Then delete the games you don’t want?


Alt accounts?