Cosmic Stranded

Survive stranded in the infinite abyss known as space.
This game was made for the Overma Game Jam (Space Theme!)

The controls are in the description of the game. If you find any bugs please tell me! And have fun!
(actually, I have yet to add sounds and music lol)


The game has been given a touch of unrealism with sound!


Yo! I tried this game out out of curiosity and really liked it. Tbh I really want to do something similar to it for next flowjam lol :slight_smile:

Some suggestions:

-Make things harder as the game progresses. I realized the game wasn’t getting any harder after day 20, so I sabotaged myself at day 31. You could try slowly increasing the amount of resources the ship needs, or increasing the asteroid rate, stuff like that. You could also even add upgrades so you could handle these dangers better.

-Add music to the main game. I heard music in the main menu but not the game, it doesn’t have to be super upbeat and retro, you can do it like how space haven did it if you want.

-Change spam clicking to do things to holding instead. This way people can’t cheat with autoclickers. You could also offer upgrades that make it so holding down increases the click rate.

Nice game!!


Thanks so much sup3r for playing and for the suggestions too! About the spam clicking, I’ve been thinking about adding click cooldowns, I don’t really know about holding down to do things but I’ll keep that in mind! Being able to upgrade the ship is totally on the list and so is making the game progessively harder. I haven’t been able to find the right default Flowlab music for the gameplay part yet but that’s going to be added too.


New small update (no more updates will be made until after the overma gamejam)

The game is now for mobile, which it was designed to be except the home and restart buttons didn’t exist at the time. The leaderboard button in the menu now is a toggle to open the leaderboard instead of your mouse hovering over it. And that’s it for now. The menu buttons look like their being pressed when clicked.
Music has been added into the gameplay part of the game as @sup3r87 suggested. (the music may be temporary)

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Man, this game is harsh. Whenever I try to spam click, my finger always freezes up and I end up missing.

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Since my chromebook has touchscreen, it’s WAY easier to play the game. The game is also designed for mobile so if you have a phone maybe you can play the game on there using google or something, btw clicking on the rocket ship toggles fullscreen. If you’re playing using the trackpad I suggest you connect a mouse, since that’s easier if you don’t have touchscreen.


Oh, my Dell PC is touchscreen, let me try it that way.

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(I might have to make update where the game gets harder the more days you survive right now if anyone begins to pass 50 days)

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Now my hands REALLY hurt. That took FOREVER. I used a gaming mouse and my mousepad to spam-click.


What I’m planning to add next:

Every 10 day mark, until day 150 the game will get harder. The chance of asteroids popping up will get higher and do more damage and gas and hunger will go down way much more quicker, soon you’ll be able to upgrade your ship from collecting the energy from the cores of the planets you’ve destroyed. Basically for every 50 planets you’ve destroyed your ship will be better and it’ll have more space for fuel and it will have more HP. This will make the game more fun! (I hope)


If you guys see someone named “TheMystery” on the leaderboard, that’s my little sister. She wants her score to be able to be seen on the leaderboard.


I got in 3rd.


Died on day 24 because I was too focused on destroying planets and completely ignored my fuel

Difficulty Update

The game will get progressively harder until day 150. The gas will be used much faster, asteroids will pop up more often and will do more damage. Nothing new yet to make the game harder the longer you play. But here’s some information you need to know:

Asteroids start coming more often on day 20 and every 10 days until day 40. They will get stronger starting day 10, and every 10 days until day 50. This means starting Day 50 they will do 80 DMG, so make sure to repair often!

Fuel will be used much more quickly starting Day 10 until day 30.

That’s literally it. If you notice anything wrong with the game, please tell me!


Might have to reset the leaderboard because of this update, since the scores would be unfair now.

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You have infinite fuel, food, and materials now. I need to lock the game to fix this, so you can’t play for now.

Should be fixed, now I just need to ask something.

Should I reset the leaderboard?
  • Yeah!
  • No.
0 voters

I want to get what you guys think since the Difficulty update have added some difficulty I hope, I’m too lazy to get through everything. If it did add difficulty then like I said the scores would be unfair. So, what do you think?

Sup3r shared this game on the Flowlab Community discord, it was indeed a cool game:

Would also be great if the game had alternative controls instead of clicking, you could just press Space.
its easier on the hand


There’s a lot of stuff I have for the game that I might add. The game’s main mechanic is clicking so I don’t really know what to use the space button for. It was planned that you can use the the three buttons in the bottom left corner by clicking some keys but I scrapped it later on. Since the Overma Gamejam said you couldn’t use emit or spawn there were a lot of things that weren’t added, but in the middle of the jam we were allowed to use emit or spawn but now I’m not sure if those ideas would fit in the game. Like how you were supposed to get materials by clicking the planets and you weren’t supposed to destroy them or the intergalactic police would come after you but destroying planets is also important to the game so it never got added. I actually can’t believe you guys think this game is fun! Thanks so much!

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