CubeTales 3: Flames Of Destruction Devlog

They will be defeated if they get


There is now a 1/10 chance of a sup3r easter egg happening in level 1


Calling on people to test out the performance/FPS in level 7:

It’s lagging a bit for me so I want to see if it runs fine on other devices.

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In other news, I made the dash effect much less in-your-face.

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It’s lagging for me too.

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We’ve got loads of Options!

Do you wanna toggle fullscreen, or toggle fullscreen?

No? Then how about toggling fullscreen?

Not even that? Well then how about toggling fullscreen?


Why are you even here then?


I made a new thumbnail image/wallpaper for the CubeTales 3 OST on YouTube


I just brought back an old CubeTales 2 feature, the ability to temporarily summon blocks. I won’t say how to use it in this game because nhgcr can turn it into a secret ability whose controls you find by exploring the keyboard, like the many secret weapons of Gamougg 3. It is an upgraded version of the previous game’s thing though. The CT3 version of the ability makes the blocks last significantly shorter because this whole game is supposed to be harder than the last one.


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CT2 is a dumpster fire, why would you bring anything over.

The whole point of CT3 is to separate myself from my past games.

I copied nothing. I simply made a new and updated version from scratch.

Seems like the point flew right over your head.

I don’t want CT3 to have anything to do with my older games because quite frankly, I’m ashamed of them.

Don’t be ashamed of your past work. Its badness was a result of you not being as good as you are now, not something really bad (like Blippi being ashamed of his past as Steezy Grossman; your situation here is not shameful like that at all and you should not try to bury it).
Transformers Optimus Prime GIF - Transformers Optimus Prime Bumblebee GIFs

I or we will remaster/improve CubeTales 2 at some point I hope. Then we can have a solid trilogy, like how I went over and cleaned up Gamougg 1-3 to match my newer standards. I just shared a link to CubeTales 2 along with a meme I made celebrating your evolution as a game developer and as a person and I won’t take the link down, I want to show you and everyone else just how far you’ve come. I am very proud of you. I cannot unironically put words in the rest of the community’s mouth, but I’m sure they’d be proud of you too. Keep up the good work. The strong armor robot guys you adore so much would keep going even through the hard times. Be like them.

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But for now, refrain from adding additional features, because I want to release a demo on GameJolt to reach a wider audience.

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Okay but I just added back the camera zoom and I hope it can stay this time around. For the record, I meant everything I said in my previous post in case you thought I was merely criticizing your lack of enthusiasm for the return of the Cublock or whatever even though it was much more than that.

The camera zoom is entirely unnecessary, and the blocks break the game’s balance.

Just play better and you won’t need either.

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I play better now. The camera zoom is mostly only for level 5. While I was stuck on level 5 for 2 days (before I beat it), I have been stuck on level 7 for 2 months and still haven’t beaten it. I 'm currently working on doing that right now.

Also, we need more attack variety and good ways to introduce them to the player, so I think the first new thing we add after the GameJolt demo is giant robots. They would appear at the end of the game and are introduced because they are a critical part of CT4 (I assume, because it is a futuristic game about war with lots of crazy cool technological advancements).

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The demo will only have the first 6 levels. I’m thinking of reworking the attack system though.

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That’s a big change, don’t do it before the demo. or preferably not at all because it seems fine to everyone and most people complained about the pointlessness of the level objectives so you might wanna fix that first

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I need an opening cutscene/dialogue so people can figure out what the heck is going on.

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