Flowlab Times (News)

Sources: Not worth dieing, August, Cycles cant find the behavior link :frowning:

Hey @Frost do you mind if you do an article that includes some scoops on some Crossed Sword Game Studios projects? In my announcement and updates forum I’ve been sharing updates on 2 of my games The Guardians of Winterglow (a collaboration) and The new Combat Car Adventures Reboot. For more information, see here:

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cool ill get to it in the next issue

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Thanks dude, really appreciate it :+1:t5:

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thanks for the spot in the article!


hey this is a cool topic i like it!

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Hey! Do you think you could maybe mention DoM or S-14 in an article? I have plenty of threads on them (check out my profile) and this site!


This is really neat I’m might request one of my games soon.

ok i can get on that when you tell me it

I don’t want to pester you about anything, but you did mention something about a few mini game jams popping up on the forums and I wanted to say that I made a small discussion about it here: Sans7657’s Game Jam (January 2nd - January 9th)
If you wanted to write about that like maybe the winner or something.

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ok i will tell frost

Here add this jam here Advertisement want to support me by joining or telling your friends about the GrimProductionZ Remembrance Game Jam! Click the link here: GrimProductionZ Remembrance Game Jam! Definitely not clickbait or anything

can the next paper have my new game called galaxy blast (in progress btw) in it?

Ill see what i can do

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For all of you looking for the next article it will be posted in the new form.

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