Galaxian Reviews - Submit Your Games and See my Reviews

Gamougg likes exploring because he’s bored and wants to go on some seriously bizarre adventures. Noob Saibot didn’t really want to assassinate Gamougg, but he was tasked with doing so. They ended up becoming friends after teaming up to escape the Nether (they did not have a Nether portal). Instead of the steady transition from allies to lovers like in a Disney movie (I just saw Treasure Planet yesterday), Gamougg and Noob went through the much cooler transition of enemies to allies to friends.


Thanks for the review! I’m glad you like it so much. you really understood everything that i was hoping to communicate with the game. also, the boss isn’t finished, and actually can’t be found without going into the editor. I’m glad you found him though! you reminded me that I should put him in the game somewhere officially, either as a secret boss or something you need to overcome before you complete the game.

btw, are you participating in flowjam?


No problem! I initially assumed that the boss was already finished since I remember you saying that they game was “officially complete”. It does seem like it would fit in as a secret. Perhaps as a secret ending, or an extended version of the current game ending?

Also, I was originally going to participate in the FlowJam, but I became greatly disappointed with the themes and prizes. So unfortunately, I’ll have to pass on yet another FlowJam.


yeah, the game is complete but, even complete games get added on to right? I’ll think of it like a DLC type thing.

that’s too bad you won’t be participating. I wish you luck if you join in next time!

and can you do a review of neon break? it’s my flowjam game and I’d like to get some feedback so I can make some changes before the end of the week.
one sometime after flowjam instead would be great too if you’re busy rn.

and your reviews are super great and really detailed by the way! looks like something I might want to try out, maybe it would be fun if I started a review topic :thinking:


Sure, I’ll review Neon Break once I get the chance to do so!


Neon Break - By @F3Art

Review of Gameplay - I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to not die in 2 seconds, and then I realized that you can still move in a new direction if you are currently moving. I was also initially wondering why the game was telling me to kill all enemies when the yellow one kept killing me. When I finally got things figured out, I quickly got the hang of things. I finally reached the end of the game in about 10 minutes. I think that the levels are pretty clever, and the gameplay is very unique… although this might be the goriest game I have played.


  • Unique gameplay.
  • I like the music…!
  • This is a puzzle game where you must think about how you should beat the level.
  • Fits in with the FlowJam themes.


  • If you are not a fan of gory games, this is not one you may enjoy.
  • The blood effect can sometimes obstruct the camera’s view.
  • There is a bug where you might die if you enter the exit by ramming into a side that contains a broken bone. There is another bug where sliding against a wall may cause a bone to break twice in an instant, or even break an already broken bone.

Art: [5] - The game’s art is simple but great either way. The blood splatters gross me out, but they add to the game’s atmosphere. Disliking gore is a personal preference, and thus won’t lower the score. Unless there is too much of it, and this game seems to know when there is too much.
Sound: [5] - The songs used for this game can become quite catchy, and the sound effects used are outstanding. It kind of hurts in the gut to hear blood splattering and bone snapping, but that adds to the game’s atmosphere.
Story: [X] - This game contains no story, and thus will not be included in the final score.
Entertainment: [4] - The game is very fun to play, as you slide around to smash the enemies to smithereens (and try not to smash yourself in the process). But the game doesn’t really have any replayability value, and it is quite short. Since this is a game made for the FlowJam, and thus is around 2-weeks old, I can see why this is the case, and I hope that new levels are added in the future.
Originality: [5] - Puzzle games where smashing objects to advance to the next level are quite common. But this particular game is different. It adds the twist that, if you hit the same are twice, you must restart the whole level. This throws some strategy into the game and is what makes it a unique experience.
Difficulty: [4] - Overall, the game offers great challenges as it takes trial and error to reach the goal. But it also isn’t challenging enough to make someone extremely frustrated and dislike the game. I do have two problems with the difficulty, though. For starters, there are the two bugs that I mentioned in the cons list. The former didn’t bother me that much as it only happened once on level 2, but the latter happened almost every single time I hit a wall and tried to move. The second problem I have is that sometimes the blood effect that reveals which side is injured can obstruct the camera view, especially if the wound is brand new. Certain fast paced gameplay, such as killing a yellow enemy and immediately trying not to run into a wall, becomes more intense. This can be seen as a good thing, but not when it happens over and over again.

Total Score: 4.6 / 5
Impressive work on the game, F3Art! This has a high chance of winning the FlowJam. Of course, this is the only FlowJam entry that I have seen so far, but I can tell that this will definitely be part of the Top 3. Try to fix those two bugs that I mentioned. I’m honestly not sure how to fix the visibility issue, though. I hope that you are able to add more to this game after the FlowJam ends!

Congratulations, and thank you for your submission!


Hey, I played your game too, I find it very difficult to play the game on mobile the the swiping is a little janky.


I played the game on PC, so I got to use the arrow keys. It was much easier. I don’t really like playing mobile games that much. XD


yeah I’ve noticed that, sometimes you have to swipe twice in one direction to get the player to move, and it’s like there’s a bit of input delay. I don’t know why it’s happening, I used JR 01’s swipe bundle and the movement outside of that uses the same logic as the arrow keys.


I think I fixed this one just now. but the other one is something I’ve never experienced.


my little game here is a bit unfinished, just a few small things i need to add/fix
a review whenever its not a bother to you would be cool :+1:


Sorry for the delayed response. I’ll be happy to review your game when I get the opportunity to. I looked at the community post about it and found it intriguing.


Yeah no worries man, take your time :+1:


Very cool game :slight_smile:
I would make a smooth transition between the main theme and the shop theme.
Also, a little less progressive…(in terms of difficulty)


That tends to happen on slower computers, not really sure how to fix it :man_shrugging:


When you’re not busy, could you review this game? My friend and I worked on it for several months. Like Gamougg 3, there is a story, but we don’t know how to put it in.


Cruor - By @Lyndon_Bork

Review of Gameplay - When the Sound Update came out, I immediately became addicted to listening to the “Apocalypse” soundtrack. Now I am already hyped hearing it as the menu theme. Anyways, I started playing the game and felt energized by everything that was going on. Such fast gameplay. It does get progressively more difficult as time goes on, and sometimes that progression can be tedious (I lucked out and got two medkits at the same time). Regardless, on my first run, I got 365 kills and made it to Stage 4. My second run did a tiny bit better, with 418 kills.


  • If difficult, fast-paced games are for you, play this game. Now.
  • (Somewhat) simple gameplay.
  • Good concept of hacking and slashing enemies.


  • Since the game gets progressively more difficult very quickly, a casual experience is pretty much thrown out the window.
  • If you’re not a fan of gory games, this may not be for you.

Art: [5] - The game’s art is done very well. I also like the use of particle effects in the game. This art was definitely made with effort. Like with Neon Break, the blood grossed me out, but this will not bring down the grade as disliking gore is a personal preference, as long as such gore is not used excessively.
Sound: [5] - Sound effects are used very well in this game. And can we take a moment to appreciate the song choices that you made? It perfectly fits the game.
Story: [X] - This game contains no story, and thus will not be included in the final score.
Entertainment: [4] - It is very fun, and oddly satisfying, to run around and beat the living daylights out of every zombie that tries to feast on you. The hint of a shop also suggests replayability in the future. But, other than that, there is really only one gamemode, one zombie type, and one item. Some people may get bored of seeing the same old thing every playthrough. I feel, however, since you (seem to) have a free account at the moment, that your object and level limits may be a hinderance to fixing this. But at least your game is very fun to play.
Originality: [5] - A hack-and-slash where there are endless waves of enemies isn’t a new thing, and this game feels somewhat similar to The Graveyard. But what makes this game unique is that you are throwing hands with the enemies, not bullets. Overall, this is a new experience for me, and I haven’t played any games similar to this.
Difficulty: [4] - This game starts off very easy and light. Then it gets progressively harder and harder and harder and harder… and harder. I’ll commend you for not turning this into a Dark Souls level difficulty. I don’t know how on Earth hihilogic managed to get a sea of zombies in the game, but I’m glad I didn’t get to see that. :joy: Regardless, difficulty progression should be a little slower, especially when it comes to the later stages. And perhaps you can add an Easy, Medium, Hard mode system? Like that’s new, but not all players want to get swarmed after just a few minutes of gameplay.

Total Score: 4.6 / 5
Impressive work on the game, Lyndon Bork! This is a fun experience, and I generally enjoy games where you fight endless waves of enemies until you drop. This game is fantastic where it is. I’d continue working on the shop, and maybe find a way to make sure the game doesn’t go from 0 to 1,000 in terms of difficulty that fast.

Congratulations, and thank you for your submission!


thank you lots for the review :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I’m certainly blown away at the fact it scored so well! I’ll be sure to add/tweak a few features to make it more enjoyable in the future :+1:
Thanks lots :blush:


Cubetales 2: Spherical Revelations - By @_GAMOOG

Review of Gameplay - This game felt pretty much the same way as taile gamougg 3: Journey Through the Land of Blocks (see the review for that game here), just with entirely different game mechanics and characters. Not much to say about my gameplay other than that…


  • Potential for replayability via the Forge.
  • Simple gameplay.
  • Simple art.


  • Felt a little bit boring, to be honest.

Art: [3] - Some parts of the game are somewhat visually appealing (like the floor of the Carnage levels), but other than that, default sprites and simplistic art is everywhere. There are a couple of animations, but that is just about it.
Sound: [5] - Pretty much the same as taile gamougg 3, the sound is used pretty well, and there is a wide variety of them being used. I do wish they were used a bit more, since the game can get kind of quite sometimes.
Story: [?] - You mentioned that this game has a story, but the story has been very poorly applied to the game. I considered giving this a 1, but I ultimately decided to leave this ungraded. Thus, it won’t be counted towards the final score.
Entertainment: [3] - With the addition of the Forge, I can see high potential of this being a replayable game. Unfortunately, it requires the player to go into the editor and edit the game itself… something we can do for pretty much every other game on Flowlab. Other than that, the gameplay felt a little boring, and I found myself looking through the editor to look for more interesting things to do.
Originality: [5] - I don’t think I’ve seen any other game like this so far. While its gameplay is exactly the same as taile gamougg 3, it sets itself apart with new controls, new characters, and a new story(?).
Difficulty: [3] - The game was a mixture of too easy and too hard, and it felt a little bit boring considering how anticlimactic it felt throughout the whole game. Again, like taile gamougg 3, the enemies don’t feel like enemies, just destructible obstacles. Also, where on Earth is the goal flag in Spherical Madness? Wait, that sphere thing was a boss? Why am I in control of it? Why was I never told that this thing was a boss? Why did I have to go into the editor to figure out that this was a boss? And what is up with the strange bounciness in the final boss level?

Total Score: 3.8 / 5
Good work on this game, Gamoog. This game has good potential, but it needs a lot more work to be done to make this game fun. Again, make the enemies do something, make the game easier to understand, and make the game more interesting that just jumping over spikes scattered everywhere. Originality and sound are alright; its the art, entertainment, and difficulty I am worried about. Oh, and practice putting the story into the game.

Congratulations, and thank you for your submission!


can you do a review of fruit salad? it’s an old one but I still like it.

heads up shooting is a bit weird, you have to hold down LMB instead of being able to click it